
Hearing entitled “Legislative Proposals to Bring Certainty to the Over-the-Counter Derivatives Market”
Friday, October 14, 2011 9:00 AM in 2128 Rayburn HOB
Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises

Printed Hearing 112-75


  • Mr. Keith Bailey, Managing Director, Fixed Income, Currencies and Commodities, Barclays Capital, on behalf of the Institute of International Bankers;
  • Mr. Shawn Bernardo, Senior Managing Director, Tullett Prebon, on behalf of the Wholesale Market Brokers’ Association Americas;
  • Ms. Brenda Boultwood, Chief Risk Officer and Senior Vice President, CE Risk Management Division Office, Constellation Energy, on behalf of the Coalition of Derivatives End-Users;
  • Mr. James Cawley, CEO, Javelin Capital Markets LLC
  • Mr. Kent Mason, Davis & Harman LLP, on behalf of the American Benefits Council and the Committee on the Investment of Employee Benefit Assets; and
  • Mr. Conrad Voldstad, Chief Executive Officer, International Swaps and Derivatives Association.


Statement for the Record from the American Bankers Association (ABA)

Statement for the Record from the Commodity Markets Council (CMC)