Press Releases

Whistleblowers to Testify About Race, Gender and Age Discrimination at the CFPB
“Ironically, the agency that was created to provide comprehensive consumer protections and strong remedies for consumer harm has unequivocally failed to protect its own employees”

Washington, June 24, 2015 - WASHINGTON - For more than a year, the House Financial Services Committee has investigated serious allegations of discrimination and retaliation against employees at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). 

CFPB employees have testified about serious and troubling instances of racial, gender and age discrimination they’ve suffered from CFPB managers and retaliation against employees who speak out about this unacceptable behavior.  Summaries of those hearings can be found here and here.

CFPB Director Richard Cordray also testified at an earlier hearing and gave his personal assurance that this inexcusable and unacceptable behavior would stop.

“I am committed to ensuring that all Bureau employees are treated fairly and that they receive the respect and dignity they deserve.”

-       Director Cordray, July 30, 2014

But tomorrow at 10 a.m., two more CFPB employees will bring new evidence to the committee that discrimination and retaliation at the CFPB have gotten worse.

Ms. Florine Williams:  A career professional with over 20 years of Equal Employment Opportunity experience, she currently serves as a Senior Equal Employment Specialist in the Office of Civil Rights at the CFPB. Ms. Williams’s full testimony can be found here, with excerpts below.

  • “Ironically, the agency that was created to provide comprehensive consumer protections and strong remedies for consumer harm has unequivocally failed to protect its own employees and remedy the harms we have suffered…”
  • “The level of unprofessional treatment and dysfunction that I have observed and endured has not only hurt me, but has hurt countless CFPB employees who would naturally look to an Office of Civil Rights for protection against discrimination.”
  • “I am frequently approached by colleagues who tell me they are being subjected to maltreatment and discrimination but who fear they will face reprisal if they seek help through OCR’s EEO process. I cannot adequately describe the pervasive and chilling atmosphere that prevails throughout the CFPB.”

Mr. Robert Cauldwell:  A CFPB examiner who currently serves as President of the National Treasury Employees Union Chapter 335.  As the President of the Bureau’s employee union, he has been particularly able to observe widespread problems.  Mr. Cauldwell’s full testimony can be found here, with excerpts below.

  • "....actions speak much louder than words. Director Cordray’s inaction over the past year has created a more discriminatory, challenging, and intimidating workplace for CFPB employees.”
  • “When employees file complaints, the CFPB reaches into their past to dig up irrelevant information and use it against them.”
  • “The fear of retaliation is palpable. Even managers are scared to come forward. As long as this cesspool of poor behavior, discrimination, and retaliation continues, the CFPB will never be one of the best places in government to work.”

Hearing Details:


  Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing:  “Examining Continuing Allegations of Discrimination and Retaliation at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau”

When:  Thursday, June 25 at 10 a.m. EDT

Where:  2128 Rayburn Building

NOTE:  The hearing will be webcast live at

Mr. Cauldwell and Angela Martin who came forward last year as a CFPB whistleblower will be available for interviews immediately following the hearing.

For a brief background memo about Thursday’s hearing, click here.

For even more information, please contact:
Jeff Emerson (House Financial Services Committee) – 202-225-7502,
David Popp (House Financial Services Committee) – 202-225-7502,
Cassie Smedile (Rep. Sean Duffy’s Office)  -- 816-726-1290,


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