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News Release
For Immediate Release | Contact: Jeff Emerson (202-226-1490); David Popp (202) 226-2467

January 22, 2013

Chairman Hensarling Announces Subcommittee Assignments
Committee members will offer “common sense solutions that will help consumers
and everyday Americans”

WASHINGTON -- Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling today announced subcommittee assignments for the panel’s Republican members.

“Given the state of our struggling economy, the work of our committee and subcommittees has perhaps never been more important to hard-working taxpayers.  The fact is that during the past few years, we’ve seen a mind-numbing, innovation-choking, job-killing flood of federal red tape.  We’ve watched the mother of all bailouts – the one for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – take nearly $200 billion out of taxpayers’ pockets.  And we’ve observed how Congress enshrined a ‘too big to fail’ bailout scheme into law.

“Each of our subcommittees has jurisdiction over these and many other challenges that confront our economy.  I look forward to working with all our talented committee members as we offer common sense solutions that will help consumers and everyday Americans.”

Chairman Hensarling will serve as an ex officio member of all subcommittees, as will former Chairman Spencer Bachus, who is serving as chairman emeritus in the 113th Congress.  Bachus will serve as a voting member on two subcommittees.

The list of subcommittee assignments appears below:

Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises

1.         Garrett - Chair
2.         Hurt - Vice Chair
3.         Bachus
4.         King
5.         Royce
6.         Lucas  
7.         Neugebauer
8.         Bachmann
9.         McCarthy
10.       Westmoreland
11.       Huizenga
12.       Grimm
13.       Stivers
14.       Fincher
15.       Mulvaney
16.       Hultgren
17.       Ross
18.       Wagner

Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit

1.         Capito - Chjair
2.         Renacci - Vice Chair
3.         Bachus
4.         Miller
5.         McHenry
6.         Campbell
7.         McCarthy
8.         Pearce
9.         Posey
10.       Fitzpatrick
11.       Westmoreland
12.       Luetkemeyer
13.       Duffy
14.       Stutzman
15.       Pittenger
16.       Barr
17.       Cotton 

Insurance & Housing

1.         Neugebauer - Chair
2.         Luetkemeyer - Vice Chair
3.         Royce
4.         Miller
5.         Capito
6.         Garrett
7.         Westmoreland
8.         Duffy
9.         Renacci
10.       Hurt
11.       Stivers

Domestic & International Monetary Policy

1.         Campbell - Chair
2.         Huizenga - Vice Chair
3.         Lucas
4.         Pearce
5.         Posey
6.         Grimm
7.         Fincher
8.         Stutzman
9.         Mulvaney
10.       Pittenger
11.       Cotton

Oversight & Investigations

1.         McHenry - Chair
2.         Fitzpatrick - Vice Chair
3.         King  
4.         Bachmann
5.         Duffy
6.         Grimm
7.         Fincher
8.         Hultgren
9.         Ross
10.       Wagner
11.       Barr 

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