Cmte Financial Services (R)

House Republicans Urge Bernanke To Disclose AIG Documents Already Provided By The Fed To The Senate



January 14, 2010

-Ranking Member Spencer Bachus and other House Republicans urged Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke to give Financial Services Committee Members access to documents detailing the Fed's handling of the bailout of American International Group (AIG) previously made available to Members of the Senate Banking Committee.

"Recent disclosures that the New York Fed attempted to prevent public disclosure of information related to these transactions by directing AIG to delete counterparty names and payment information from the company's draft regulatory filing are extremely troubling. Withholding material information from the public and market participants runs counter to the principles on which our capital markets operate, and may violate the Federal securities law."

"In order to ensure that American taxpayers are provided a full accounting on this matter, we request that you give Members and staff of the House Committee on Financial Services the same level of access to these documents that has been granted to the Senate Banking Committee and its staff."

The letter was signed by 25 House Republicans. Click here to view a copy of the letter.