Cmte Financial Services (R)

Republicans Call For Comprehensive Audit Of ACORN's Use of Federal Funds


-Financial Services Committee Republicans today called on HUD's Inspector General Kenneth Donohue to immediately conduct a thorough audit of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now's (ACORN) use of federal funds. 

"We are writing to you to express our serious concerns that the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has and may be continuing to inappropriately use federal funds in the conduct of its activities," the letter states. "Specifically, we request that you conduct an accounting of funds spent over the last decade: how much, what for, and what efforts were made to find out if the funds actually accomplished what they were intended to do."

"In the wake of new, but not unfamiliar, reports of criminal and illicit activity involving ACORN, we believe it is imperative that this organization's finances be reviewed and investigated by your Department to determine whether improper and illegal use of federal dollars has occurred since ACORN first began receiving federal funds in 1994."

"The American taxpayer deserves to know how their hard-earned dollars that this organization received were used and for what purpose."

The letter was signed by 27 Committee Republicans and Reps. Pete Sessions (R-TX) and Mike Pence (R-IN).

According to one analysis of budget data, the federal government has awarded more than $53 million in direct funding to ACORN since 1994.  Last week, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to end federal funding for ACORN. 

Click here to view a copy of the letter.