Cmte Financial Services (R)

Bachus Announces Republican Membership for Financial Services Committee


Congressman Spencer Bachus (R-6th, Alabama), Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee, today announced the Republican members for the Financial Services Committee for the 110th Congress.

In order of seniority, the members include:

Rep. Spencer Bachus (AL) – Ranking Member
Rep. Richard H. Baker (LA)
Rep. Deborah Pryce (OH)
Rep. Michael N. Castle (DE)
Rep. Peter King (NY)
Rep. Edward R. Royce (CA)
Rep. Frank D. Lucas (OK)
Rep. Ron Paul (TX)
Rep. Paul E. Gillmor (OH)
Rep. Steven C. LaTourette (OH)
Rep. Donald A. Manzullo (IL)
Rep. Walter B. Jones (NC)
Rep. Judy Biggert (IL)
Rep. Christopher Shays (CT)
Rep. Gary G. Miller (CA)
Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (WV)
Rep. Tom Feeney (FL)
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (TX)
Rep. Scott Garrett (NJ)
Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (FL)
Rep. J. Gresham Barrett (SC)
Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA)
Rep. Stevan Pearce (NM)
Rep. Randy Neugebauer (TX)
Rep. Tom Price (GA)
Rep. Geoff Davis (KY)
Rep. Patrick T. McHenry (NC)
Rep. John Campbell (CA)
Rep. Adam Putnam (FL)
Rep. Michele Bachmann (MN)
Rep. Peter J. Roskam (IL)
Rep. Kenny Marchant (TX)
Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (MI)

New members to the Committee include:  Rep. Adam Putnam, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Rep. Peter J. Roskam, Rep. Kenny Marchant and Rep. Taddeus McCotter.  Additionally, previous members Rep. Shelley Moore Capito and Rep. Peter King have rejoined the Committee.

“The Financial Services Committee’s Republican membership in the 110th Congress reflects a good mix of experience and new ideas,” stated Congressman Bachus. “I look forward to working with them to address the important issues the Committee will face.”

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