Cmte Financial Services (R)

Bachus Statement on Subcommittee Seats, Ranking Members


Today, the House Financial Services Committee held a formal organizational meeting, establishing subcommittee seats and ranking members positions. Congressman Spencer Bachus (R-AL), the Ranking Republican Member, issued the following statement:

"I'm very excited about the talented new and freshman members who will bring diverse professional backgrounds and views to this committee. Our ranking members are an extremely capable group, too. I look forwarding to working with each of them as we tackle what will be a heavy workload for the American people."

Please find ranking members and subcommittee assignments below. Also, please click here to view the assignments on the minority's website.

Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises

Scott Garrett, NJ, Ranking Member
Tom Price, GA, Deputy Ranking Member
Michael N. Castle, DE
Peter King, NY
Frank D. Lucas, OK
Donald A. Manzullo, IL
Edward R. Royce, CA
Judy Biggert, IL
Shelley Moore Capito, WV
Jeb Hensarling, TX
Adam Putnam, FL
J. Gresham Barrett, SC
Jim Gerlach, PA
John Campbell, CA
Michele Bachmann, MN
Thaddeus G. McCotter, MI
Randy Neugebauer, TX
Kevin McCarthy, CA
Bill Posey, FL
Lynn Jenkins, KS

Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology

Ron Paul, TX, Ranking Member
Michael N. Castle, DE, Deputy Ranking Member
Frank D. Lucas, OK
Jim Gerlach, PA
Tom Price, GA
Bill Posey, FL
Leonard Lance, NJ

Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit

Jeb Hensarling, TX, Ranking Member
J. Gresham Barrett, SC, Deputy Ranking Member
Michael N. Castle, DE
Peter King, NY
Edward R. Royce, CA
Walter B. Jones, Jr., NC
Shelley Moore Capito, WV
Scott Garrett, NJ
Jim Gerlach, PA
Randy Neugebauer, TX
Tom Price, GA
Patrick T. McHenry, NC
John Campbell, CA
Kevin McCarthy, CA
Kenny Marchant, TX
Christopher Lee, NY
Erik Paulsen, MN
Leonard Lance, NJ

Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity

Shelley Moore Capito, WV, Ranking Member
Thaddeus G. McCotter, MI, Deputy Ranking Member
Judy Biggert, IL
Gary G. Miller, CA
Randy Neugebauer, TX
Walter B. Jones, Jr., NC
Adam Putnam, FL
Kenny Marchant, TX
Lynn Jenkins, KS
Christopher Lee, NY

Subcommittee on International Monetary Policy and Trade

Gary G. Miller, CA, Ranking Member
Edward R. Royce, CA, Deputy Ranking Member
Ron Paul, TX
Donald A. Manzullo, IL
Michele Bachmann, MN
Erik Paulsen, MN

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

Judy Biggert, IL, Ranking Member
Patrick T. McHenry, NC, Deputy Ranking Member
Ron Paul, TX
Michele Bachmann, MN
Christopher Lee, NY
Erik Paulsen, MN