Cmte Financial Services (R)

BREAKING: Video of Apparent Barney Frank Impersonator Surfaces!

Washington, Apr 7 -

A stunning development today in the ongoing controversy over whether someone on Capitol Hill is pretending to be Barney Frank.

Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus announced a videotape of the apparent impersonator has surfaced.  Chairman Bachus on Thursday made the videotape available to the press.

Although Rep. Frank did not express concerns about a possible impersonator until this week, the videotape suggests the imitator has been on the loose for several months.

On Wednesday, Rep. Frank issued a statement to reporters saying he has no interest in pursuing a technical corrections bill to the 2,300-page Dodd-Frank Act and said that suggestions to the contrary must be coming from someone pretending to be him.

The videotape, from a House-Senate conference committee meeting that took place on June 29, 2010, shows the apparent mimic telling the conferees a totally different story.

“I believe we will need a technical corrections bill that goes beyond just minor things,” the man who is apparently not Barney Frank is seen saying on the video. 

The videotape shows the alleged Frank copycat to go on, saying:  “And there are people on the House side who also are interested in that same point. I am not prepared at this point to say exactly how I think it should be resolved, but I am committed to a bill subsequent to this on things that are not terribly controversial. And I think once we’ve got the whole bill done, there becomes a mutual interest in technical corrections and clarifications which we would follow up on, and I would certainly agree that this subject matter should be in such a bill.”

Chairman Bachus suggests that anyone who sees this person pretending to be Barney Frank should contact Frank’s office.
NoteClick here to see the videotape of the apparent Frank impersonator.