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Subcommittee to Vote on HUD Subpoena

Washington, May 14 -

The Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee will vote Wednesday on whether to subpoena documents from the Department of Housing and Urban Development related to the agency’s administration of the HOME Investment Partnership Program.

The HOME program is the nation’s largest federal public housing construction program and has received more than $30 billion from the taxpayers.

Over the course of the last year, the Subcommittee has uncovered waste, fraud and abuse in the program.

The subpoena would direct HUD to provide documents related to the agency’s ability to monitor and verify the status of HOME construction projects. 

The Subcommittee first asked for these documents in November 2011.  Despite repeated requests by the Subcommittee for the information and the Subcommittee’s agreement to reduce the number of documents it is seeking, HUD has been unwilling to cooperate.

“The documents we have requested are essential to our ongoing investigation to weed out waste, fraud, and abuse and see whether the HOME Program can be better run. For the last six months, we gave HUD every opportunity to voluntarily provide these documents and yet they have been anything but cooperative. The documents we are requesting are important to maintain the integrity of our investigation and ensure that taxpayer dollars are not wasted,” said Subcommittee Chairman Randy Neugebauer.

The Subcommittee will meet to vote on issuing the subpoena at 2 p.m. in room 2220 Rayburn House Office Building.