Cmte Financial Services (R)

Committee’s Newest Member, Rep. Guinta, Assigned to Subcommittees

Washington, Aug 1 -

The Financial Services Committee on Wednesday approved a resolution offered by Chairman Spencer Bachus to appoint Rep. Frank Guinta, the committee’s newest member, to the Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit Subcommittee and the International Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee.

“Rep. Guinta understands that regulatory overkill makes it harder for our economy to recover and for jobs to be created.  As a member of the Financial Services Committee, he will play a key role in helping to lift the burden of unnecessary red tape that weighs down small businesses and the small town financial institutions that lend to them,” said Chairman Bachus.

Rep. Guinta said, “I am honored by this appointment.  In this new position, I’ll work hard to help improve the economy for all of us and to return opportunity for everyone.  It’s also important that job creators have access to credit, so they can grow their payrolls and hire new employees.  I will bring that perspective to my duties on the Committee as I continue working to return the good, middle-class jobs that Granite Staters want.”