Cmte Financial Services (R)

Hensarling: IRS is Most Feared Agency of Government

Washington, May 22 -

Chairman Jeb Hensarling joined Fox Business's Neil Cavuto last night in advance of today's hearing with Treasury Secretary Jacob "Jack" Lew. Today's hearing is Secretary Lew's first appearance before the House Financial Services Committee. 

The scandal at the IRS is an issue that should rise above partisanship. It hits at the heart of who we are as a people, and why we fight for justice and fear such a large, powerful government that clearly has become “too big to manage.” What the IRS did was wrong because it tries to turn our citizens into subjects. It is wrong because it violates both our constitutional and civil rights. It is wrong because it treats citizens wishing to speak out against the government’s policies – exercising a God-given right – like an enemy under state investigation. In a word, it is tyranny.