Cmte Financial Services (R)

Weekend Must Reads

Washington, Jul 20 -

AEI: FHA Watch – July 2013

The Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners (PATH) Act provides for comprehensive reform of the government’s role in housing finance.

Heritage Foundation: Dodd-Frank at Year Three: Onerous and Costly

July 21 marks the third anniversary of Dodd–Frank, Washington’s massive regulatory response to the housing market collapse, the failure of major financial firms, and the resulting shock to the economy in 2008. Consumers are facing dramatically higher banking fees and fewer service options because of new government constraints on credit. And for all its vast regulatory scope, Dodd–Frank utterly fails to address some of the principal causes of the 2008 crisis

Fox Business: Dodd-Frank Turns 3: What Has it Wrought?

The 2008 financial crisis laid bare flaws in our financial sector, and the economy suffered severe consequences from those flaws.  We can all agree something should have been done to reform the financial sector.  But as Dodd-Frank celebrates its third birthday, it’s worth evaluating the costs, the implementation progress, problems created, and consider whether this was really the right reform.

Washington Examiner: Fat paychecks for CFBP officials

Employees of the CFPB may be the most lavishly paid of all federal workers.  Hundreds earn more than the Supreme Court justices, senior White House officials, members of Congress, and all 50 governors.

USA Today: Housing recovery leaves Millennials behind

The house needed work — weatherproofing, a new back fence, a basement to transform into a bedroom — but the couple was excited nonetheless. The house would have been their first.