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ICYMI | IBD: Why Is Obama Stockpiling Your Personal Financial Records?

Washington, Jun 6 -

Why Is Obama Stockpiling Your Personal Financial Records?

IBD Editorial | June 6, 2014

Diversity Police: Republicans are scratching their heads over the Obama regime's privacy-invading "National Mortgage Database Project." What's it for? That's easy: redistribution of wealth.

In an unprecedented federal intrusion, the president's most radical financial regulators — Mel Watt of the Federal Housing Finance Agency and Richard Cordray of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — are creating a massive discrimination database on as many as 230 million Americans.

It will encompass a mortgage holder's entire credit history — including credit scores and account balances — and all credit lines, from credit cards to student and car loans.

"Why are we collecting this amount of data on this many individuals?" asked GOP Rep. Randy Neugebauer of the House banking panel.

The key data that the agencies plan to collect involve "household demographics" — namely, "race/ethnicity." The database will be used to compare the credit outcomes of minority vs. white borrowers. Any statistical disparities will be used to make "disparate impact" bias cases against private creditors in a vast redistribution scheme.

The agencies even allude to this in their proposed rule, recently posted in the Federal Register and opened to public comment for just 30 days, half the normal time.

The FHFA and CFPB explain that they're going to use all these intimate details on families and their financial lives to "conduct research, performance modeling and examination monitoring." They're also going to share it with Attorney General Eric Holder, as well as state attorneys general and trial lawyers, to aid in their "investigations" of, and "litigation" against, the financial industry, which they've already shaken down for an estimated $100 billion since the mortgage crisis. Apparently, they're just getting started.

Then there are the privacy concerns.

In their data dragnet, Obama's diversity police will snag your Social Security number and all account numbers. Don't worry about hacking, identity theft or cyberfraud, they assure us. They'll store your personal info in "locked file rooms, locked file cabinets" inside a building with "security cameras" and 24-hour security guards.

As for computerized records, they'll be "safeguarded through use of access codes." Only the proposed rule lists no fewer than 14 entities outside the agencies who will have access to those codes and files — including outside contractors, as well as "advisers," "volunteers" and "interns." No chance of mischief there.

Here's the full rundown of data they plan to gather on you and your family:

"Records in the system may include without limitation: (1) Borrower/co-borrower information (name, address, zip code, telephone numbers, date of birth, race/ethnicity, gender, language, religion, social security number, education records, military status/records, employment status/records); (2) Financial information (account number, financial events in the last few years, life events in the last few years, other assets/wealth); (3) Mortgage information (current balance, current monthly payment, delinquency grid, monthly payment, refinanced amount, bankruptcy information); (4) Credit card/other loan information (account type, credit amount, account balance amount, account past due amount, account minimum payment amount, account actual payment amount, account high balance amount, account charge off amount, second mortgage); (5) Household composition (single male, single female, etc., presence of children by various age categories, number of wage earners in household, household income, credit score(s) of borrower/co-borrower at origination (Vantage Score), deceased indicator, marital status); (6) Property attributes (property type ... census tract/block/latitude/longitude)" and on and on.

Those clamoring for impeachment might want to also focus on the Orwellian nature of this presidency.
