Cmte Financial Services (R)

Terrorism Financing Task Force Roster Announcement

Washington, Mar 20 -

Financial Service Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) today released the full roster of members who will be appointed to the committee’s Bipartisan Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing.

“We are committed to making sure our government is doing everything possible to stop the Islamic State and other terrorists from using the global financial system to finance their acts of evil,” said Chairman Hensarling. “Fighting the financial war against terror demands constant innovation and vigilance.”

The committee is scheduled to consider a resolution creating the task force on Wednesday. 

Task Force Membership

Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA) (Chairman)

Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC) (Vice Chairman)

Rep. Peter King (R-NY)

Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH)

Rep. Dennis Ross (R-FL)

Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO)

Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY)

Rep. Keith Rothfus (R-PA)

Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ)

Rep. Robert Dold (R-IL)

Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R-ME)  

Rep. French Hill (R-AR)

Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-MA) (Ranking Member)  

Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA)

Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY)

Rep. Al Green (D-TX)

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN)

Rep. James Himes (D-CT)

Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL)

Rep. Daniel Kildee (D-MI)

Rep. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)
