Cmte Financial Services (R)

Chairman Hensarling Comments on Discussion Draft Offered by Chairman Shelby

Washington, May 12 -

House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) praised Senator Richard Shelby for offering draft regulatory relief legislation aimed at improving Americans’ access to credit.

“Having spent the 113th Congress sending dozens of bipartisan, common sense regulatory relief bills to the Senate only to watch them die due to Harry Reid’s obstructionism, it’s encouraging to finally see leadership in the Senate. Chairman Shelby is making significant progress. The draft bill he has offered includes several bipartisan provisions similar to bills the House has previously supported. Those of us in the House who are fighting for a healthier economy that helps Americans achieve financial independence strongly support regulatory relief for America’s community financial institutions and commend Senator Shelby’s leadership,” said Chairman Hensarling.