Cmte Financial Services (R)

ICYMI: Hensarling to Unveil Republican Pro-Growth Alternative to Dodd-Frank

Washington, Jun 2 -

OPINION: Rep. Jeb Hensarling: an economic disciple of Founding Fathers
“Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is an economic disciple of the Founding Fathers… At a time when traditional Republican Party principles are honored more in the breach than in the observance, he is a refreshing hope that there is still something left worth salvaging.” 

OPINION: Hensarling to Champion Financial Services Reform
“Central planning of our financial sector has not created jobs, it has killed them.  It has not limited risked, it has created more.  It has not encouraged economic growth, it has shackled it. The time has come to allow the power of the market to return us back to a prosperous America and Jeb Hensarling will be leading the way.”


GOP plan to replace Dodd-Frank coming soon
“House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) will present the GOP alternative to the Dodd-Frank financial reform law in a New York City speech on June 7…Hensarling made clear he wanted to take on the entire bill, calling the raft of new rules a ‘regulatory waterboarding’ for banks and small businesses.”

Hensarling to Roll Out Dodd-Frank Replacement Plan Next Week
“Hensarling (R-Texas) is schedule to “unveil details about the Republican plan to replace the Dodd-Frank Act and promote economic growth” in a June 7 speech to the Economic Club of New York…”

Republicans to Unveil Alternative Legislation to Repeal and Replace Dodd-Frank Act
“According to Hensarling, the alternative to Dodd-Frank will be based on the principles that taxpayer bailouts of financial institutions must end and no company can remain too big to fail; systemic risk must be reduced through market discipline; consumers must be protected from force, fraud, and deception; simplicity must replace complexity; economic growth must be restored through transparent and innovative capital markets; and every American must have an opportunity to achieve financial independence.”

Republicans Set to Unveil Plan to Replace Dodd-Frank
“During the speech, Hensarling is expected to announce a Republican-crafted plan to replace Dodd-Frank with a ‘pro-growth, pro-consumer’ alternative that includes potential significant regulatory relief for financial institutions, as well as a dramatic overhaul of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.”


Big Banks Back Off From Attacks on Financial Reform
“Representative Jeb Hensarling plans to introduce a bill to repeal the Dodd-Frank Act, but Wall Street lobbyists are not offering their support.”

Major Dodd-Frank Reform Proposals are Imminent
“…it is believed that it will be simpler than the massive 2,300-page Dodd-Frank legislation, of which parts are still being enacted six years after the president signed it into law. He has said, however, that his plan will be tougher on Wall Street than Dodd-Frank, which the Republicans believe uses a ‘one size fits all’ approach to reforming Wall Street that has adversely affected Main Street.”