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McHenry Talks FinTech at CUNA GAC

Credit Union National Association

Washington, Mar 18 -

Jim Nussle, CUNA president/CEO, released the following statement after Congressman Patrick McHenry (R-NC), spoke at the 2019 Credit Union National Association Governmental Affairs Conference (CUNA GAC): 

“Congressman McHenry is a leading advocate for credit unions. He works to break through the struggles we face in Washington to reach fundamental regulatory change. We are glad to have him here to encourage credit unions to look toward the future and utilize technology.” 

McHenry thanked credit unions for representing their members well and encouraged them to “harness the power of technology to grow and expand.” His speech focused on the need to embrace fintech and consider the vital role of modern technology.

“We must shift toward building a better financial system for the future,” McHenry said.  


About CUNA:    

Credit Union National Association (CUNA) is the only national association that advocates on behalf of all of America’s credit unions, which are owned by 115 million consumer members. CUNA, along with its network of affiliated state credit union leagues, delivers unwavering advocacy, continuous professional growth and operational confidence to protect the best interests of all credit unions. For more information about CUNA, visit To find your nearest credit union, visit