Cmte Financial Services (R)

Ranking Member McHenry: This was a “missed opportunity”

Committee holds mark-up of Democrat bills with little bipartisan collaboration

Washington, Mar 28 -

This week, the House Committee on Financial Services held a mark-up of five pieces of legislation:

Ranking Member, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), delivered opening remarks applauding the committee’s work on the “Kleptocracy Asset Recovery Rewards Act” to combat illicit finance, which did receive bipartisan input and support. However, he went on to express his concern with the partisan nature of the remaining bills.

Watch Ranking Member McHenry’s opening remarks here or by clicking on the image below.


Republican members of the committee went on to offer amendments to improve upon and provide clarity to Democrat proposed legislation:

Ending Homelessness Act of 2019

Ranking Member McHenry: “There’s not one person on this committee that doesn’t want to end homelessness, but authorizing $13 billion in mandatory spending over five years actually won’t end homelessness. It feeds a broken system that will not yield results.”

Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act of 2019

Ranking Member McHenry: “Most importantly for this committee, we need to ensure we’re doing our due diligence before proceeding. One committee hearing is not enough to fully understand the consequences of this bill.”

Consumers First Act

Ranking Member McHenry: “If you really want to make the agency accountable to the American people, let’s start with the fundamentals: change the CFPB’s organizational structure, its fundamental mechanisms, create an office of inspector general… all of which would bring greater transparency and accountability.”