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McHenry calls for Brexit, Ex-Im Bank hearings at Financial Services panel

By: Zachary Warmbrodt, Politico

Washington, Jan 23 -

Brexit fallout tops a list of proposed hearing targets that House Financial Services ranking member Patrick McHenry has sent to Chairwoman Maxine Waters.

In a letter, the North Carolina Republican outlined several "critical areas" for hearings that should be given priority during the first few months of this Congress.

The top topic on the list is Britain's withdrawal from the European Union, including its impacts on the U.S. economy and the international financial system.

Other high priorities for McHenry are the Export-Import Bank, cybersecurity in the financial sector, China's "debt trap" and the Federal Reserve's balance sheet.

"These hearings will be vital to helping ensure the strength and stability of the U.S. financial system and the global competitiveness of American job creators," he said.