Cmte Financial Services (R)

McHenry Statement on Wells Fargo Board Member Resignations

Washington, Mar 9 -

Today, Republican leader of the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), released the following statement in response to the resignation of Wells Fargo Board Chair Elizabeth Duke and Board Member James Quigley:

“Fresh perspectives on the Board will help move Wells Fargo forward. The Republican report shows, time and time again, the Bank’s reliance on the status quo has consistently failed. From the Board’s decision to tap a 30-year company insider to lead the Bank in 2016 to its failure to recognize that management was not fixing any of the company’s pervasive problems, it’s no secret that changes needed to be made. I expect that these changes to Board and management leadership—and the Trump Administration’s renewed focus on oversight—signal a new day for Wells Fargo.”

The Republican staff report, entitled: Uniquely Flawed: An Overview of Failures and Structural Deficiencies at Wells Fargo, found:

Read the report’s Executive Summary.

Read the report’s Key Findings.

Read the full report.