Cmte Financial Services (R)

McHenry: Democrats are Taking Advantage of this Crisis for Political Gain

Washington, Mar 23 -

Republican leader of the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), issued the following statement in response to Democrats’ partisan legislative package circulated earlier today, which includes politically motivated and misguided proposals that do not provide necessary relief to American families and businesses:

“Over the last several days, I have worked with Senate Republicans, the Administration—and our Democrat colleagues—to craft a bipartisan bill that would provide necessary support to those on the frontlines of this fight. Senate Democrats, at the behest of Speaker Pelosi, have now voted twice against this vitally important package. Instead, they are pursuing a 1,400-page grab-bag of progressive policy goals that has little to do with the crisis at hand and absolutely no chance of becoming law.

“Every day is critical in the fight against COVID-19 and this is now two days completely wasted. Rather than playing these dangerous and irresponsible political games, Congressional Democrats should join us is passing the CARES Act so the American people can start getting this vitally needed assistance immediately.

Key facts on financial services provisions in House Democrats’ bill text circulated today:

Many of the financial services proposals included in Speaker Pelosi’s proposal have nothing to do with responding to the COVID-19 crisis:

Many provisions included in Speaker Pelosi’s proposal are already addressed in the most recent Senate Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act text, including: