Cmte Financial Services (R)

Paycheck Protection Program is Supporting our Nation’s Economic Recovery

Washington, Jun 10 -

WASHINGTON – Over the past few months, American families and businesses have stood strong through an unprecedented economic dislocation as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The Trump Administration and Congress have worked at a breakneck pace to stand up programs to support hardworking Americans across our nation. Specifically, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which has rushed billions of dollars out the door through financial institutions of all sizes to our small businesses.

As we work to reopen our economy, it’s clear: PPP loans are playing a critical role in our nation’s economic recovery.

PPP success by the numbers:

The Paycheck Protection Program was created to rush emergency relief to small businesses most in need through our financial institutions. The top fifteen PPP lenders nationwide include:

These institutions—along with thousands of others—have made loans across the country, supporting jobs in all 50 states. While PPP loans continue to support businesses and their workers in a wide range of industries, the top five receiving PPP funding include:

Learn more about the PPP loans helping to keep American workers employed in this report from the Small Business Administration.

Visit Financial Services Committee Republicans’ website for additional resources and updates on efforts to mitigate the economic impact of coronavirus on consumers.