Cmte Financial Services (R)

McHenry: Republicans Stand Ready to Work Across the Aisle to Protect Consumers, Support Small Businesses, Strengthen National Security, and Continue our Economic Recovery

Washington, Feb 3 -

Today, the House Committee on Financial Services is holding its Organizational Meeting for the 117th Congress to appoint subcommittee members and consider the Committee’s rules for the new Congress.

Watch Ranking Member Patrick McHenry’s (NC-10) opening remarks here.

Read Ranking Member McHenry’s opening remarks as prepared:

“I thank the Chair for her remarks, and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate her on her continued role as Chair of the Financial Services Committee. I appreciate your willingness to work with Committee Republicans last Congress, and I look forward to working with you and your members in the 117th Congress.

“The Committee is smaller in numbers – on both sides of the aisle - than in previous Congresses. I welcome our new Democrat members. I also want to congratulate Ed Perlmutter and Jim Himes for their new roles in subcommittee leadership and Emmanuel Cleaver for his leadership move to the Housing & Insurance subcommittee. At the same time, I’m disappointed that we were unable to add new Republican members and/or returning members with interest in the Committee.

Our constituents elected one of the most diverse House Republicans freshman classes in history. It’s disappointing this Committee will not have the benefit of their ideas and experiences.

“With that being said, I appreciate that no sitting Republican member was removed from this Committee. This means the Committee will continue to benefit from the vast experience that each Republican Member brings to this Committee. I want to thank each of you for your contributions and I look forward to working with each of you again.

“Madam Chair, at the outset of last Congress’ organizational meeting, I pledged that Republicans on this Committee stand ready to work with Committee Democrats.

I repeat that pledge today.

“We stand ready to work with you to take on the challenges that Americans are facing during these challenging times. We stand ready to work with you on bipartisan solutions that protect consumers, support our small businesses, strengthen our national security, and continue our economic recovery.

“I would remind the Chair that the Democrat majority in the House is the slimmest in nearly a century. The Senate is split 50-50.

There is no clear mandate to move a partisan wish list of policies that have no chance of ever becoming law.

“Moreover, using the reconciliation process to pass Covid relief does nothing to encourage the spirit of bipartisanship, which has been central to the five previous packages passed by Congress. 

We have been and will continue to be more successful when we work together.

“Again, I would like to thank the Chair.  I welcome all of our members – new and returning – and look forward to working with all of you during the 117th Congress.

“I yield back.”
