Cmte Financial Services (R)

Democrats Reject Providing Temporary, Targeted, & Tied to COVID Relief to Americans in Need

Washington, Feb 11 -

Yesterday, the Full Committee began its markup on portions of President Biden’s partisan, $1.9 trillion bill. This misguided, oversized COVID-19 “stimulus” package would do little to provide the temporary, targeted, and COVID-related aid that our communities, schools, and small businesses need to safely reopen.

Republicans offered commonsense amendments to target relief toward those most in need, including rural communities, the smallest businesses, low-income Americans, and individuals experiencing homelessness, among others. At the end of the day, Committee Democrats rejected these Republican Amendments.

These targeted, temporary, and directly tied to Covid amendments by Republicans include:

Amendments to prioritize vaccination and speed testing efforts.

As Democrats fund a partisan wish list, Republicans recognize that widespread testing and vaccinations are critical to safely reopening the economy. No amount of stimulus can replace available jobs and kids in classrooms.

Amendments to ensure our rural communities aren’t left behind.

Democrats admit that rural communities are all too often excluded from economic recoveries but opposed Republican ideas to target aid to rural areas. Republicans want to lift up Americans in rural communities to ensure our recovery is robust, widespread, and equitable.

Amendments to ensure that additional aid is temporary.

Democrats claim this is about COVID relief, but much of the funding is appropriated for as long as 10 years for progressive programs that would extend far beyond the COVID-19 emergency. Republicans fought to get relief to American families and small businesses when they need it— NOW.

Amendments to ensure additional aid is targeted to those most in need.

While Democrats push programs that would bail out wealthy coastal elites, Republicans want to target relief to those most in need due to the COVID-19 crisis. Relief should not go to people who have not had their livelihoods impacted by the pandemic.

Amendments to ensure additional aid is tied to the COVID-19 crisis.

Democrats are taking advantage of this crisis to advance long-held progressive priorities that have nothing to do with the pandemic. Republicans worked to improve Democrats’ misguided bill by refocusing unrelated funding toward those most in need.

Watch today’s continuation of the markup here.

