Cmte Financial Services (R)

McHenry, Toomey Ask SEC to Undertake ‘Good Government’ Reforms

Washington, Feb 16 -

U.S. House Financial Services Committee Ranking Member Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) and U.S. Senate Banking Committee Ranking Member Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) are urging the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to start or complete seven good government initiatives, several of which have been awaiting action for years.

In the letter to Acting Chair Lee, the ranking members wrote:

“We hope that you will be a steady and effective caretaker of the SEC’s tripartite mission of protecting investors, maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitating capital formation. In the spirit of President Biden’s inaugural commitment to unity, we write to highlight some good government initiatives that the SEC should immediately undertake to advance its mission and the interests of investors.”

The full letter is available online here and below

The Honorable Allison Herren Lee
Acting Chair
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549

Dear Acting Chair Lee:

            Congratulations on your designation as Acting Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and thank you for your willingness to serve. We hope that you will be a steady and effective caretaker of the SEC’s tripartite mission of protecting investors, maintaining fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitating capital formation. In the spirit of President Biden’s inaugural commitment to unity, we write to highlight some good government initiatives that the SEC should immediately undertake to advance its mission and the interests of investors. 

Thank you for consideration of these suggestions. 



Pat Toomey                                                                              Patrick McHenry

U.S. Senator                                                                             U.S. Representative 

Ranking Member                                                                     Ranking Member 

Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs             Committee on Financial Services