Cmte Financial Services (R)

McHenry: Biden’s So-Called “Infrastructure Plan” is a Liberal Wish List That Will Fundamentally Restructure the Role of Federal Government

Washington, Apr 14 -

Today, the House Financial Services Committee is holding a hearing  on President Biden’s more than $2 trillion so-called infrastructure plan. Despite Democrats’ claims, their partisan proposal is not about infrastructure, jobs, or economic growth. 

Watch Republican Leader Patrick McHenry’s (NC-10) opening remarks here.

Read Republican Leader McHenry’s remarks as prepared for delivery:

“Thank you, Madam Chair and thank you to the witnesses for being here today.

There’s been a lot of discussion on what exactly the so-called ‘Biden Infrastructure Plan’ is.

“Well, it may be easier for us to start with what it is not.

First, it’s not an infrastructure package. In fact, less than 6 percent of the funding in this package would go to roads, bridges, and highways. 

It’s not a jobs plan. The Administration’s claim that this proposal is going to create 19 million new jobs has already been debunked. 

The plan is not bipartisan. Even though House Democrats hold the slimmest majority in modern history, they’ve decided to go-it-alone once again. 

“It didn’t have to be this way. Let me give you an example, we passed a long-term, bipartisan National Flood Insurance Program reauthorization out of this committee just two years ago with unanimous support. 

“Now, emboldened by their so-called “one party rule”– Democrats have tossed it aside for the bill we’re considering today, which caters to stakeholders and makes the program less sustainable. 

“Now, I don’t want to do your job for you, but if this bill doesn’t need bipartisan support since you’re going to try and sneak it into this so-called infrastructure plan, why wouldn’t you address climate change in it?

“It’s a serious question and I’m shocked I have to ask it. Why does this partisan NFIP bill do nothing to address climate change or the risks associated with weather related events – even though the very core of what the NFIP insures is focused on the impact of climate change? 

The Biden plan is not about economic growth and prosperity. Democrats don’t want to admit the economy is thriving, because that might make it harder to pass the next multi-trillion-dollar spending bill. 

“They don’t want to admit that there are job openings across the country that aren’t being filled.

 “In my district, there are massive labor shortages. For example, a local hotel that typically employs 140 to 160 people at $15/$20 dollars an hour, plus benefits, currently has 50-60 openings. That’s 50 to 60 good paying jobs unfilled. The owner and COO are performing multiple jobs, including making beds. A forging business that pays $20 an hour can’t keep up with demand because of labor shortages. This in turn affects supply, which in turn affects prices, which affects the broader economy. 

And, finally the Biden Plan is not a housing bill. More funding will not solve the problems associated with housing supply shortages or our homelessness problems in this country. We need to rethink how we provide affordable, suitable housing for all Americans. 

“So, what exactly is the Biden Plan?

It’s a liberal wish-list that will fundamentally restructure the role of the federal government.

 “No longer will the private sector – or small businesses for that matter - be the engine of job creation. It will be the federal government.  

 “When it comes down to it, this is a plan to eliminate jobs in the private sector and then have the federal government spend trillions of dollars to try to recreate them. 

Our time would be better spent today going out to our neighborhood streets and fixing the potholes, at least that’s infrastructure. 

“I yield back.” 