Cmte Financial Services (R)

McHenry Statement on Passage of House Democrats’ Partisan So-Called China Competitiveness Bill

Washington, Feb 4 -

Today, the top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), issued the following statement after voting against House Democrats’ partisan, so-called China competitiveness legislation:

“Congressional Democrats are more focused on stifling American innovation than confronting the generational threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party,” said Republican Leader McHenry. “For example, Democrats slipped cryptocurrency prohibitions into this unrelated, 3,000-page bill, which would create a back door for the Treasury Secretary to strangle financial innovation. To ensure our continued leadership, including in the digital assets space, we must focus on what has defined our nation’s success. Last year, Committee Republicans released three key principles on how the U.S. can outcompete China by: recommitting to free markets and free people, preventing China from rewriting the international rules of the road, and maintaining an open, vibrant, and resilient financial system. House Democrats’ bill misses the mark on all counts.”


Last year, the Republican Leaders on the House Financial Services Committee released principles to guide Congress’ evaluation of legislation intended to counter the rise of the Chinese Communist Party. Democrats’ partisan bill misses the mark.

Last week, Republican Leader McHenry released a statement slamming House Democrats for forgoing bipartisanship and introducing this so-called competitiveness bill full of partisan poison pills.

Financial Services Committee Republican Proposals to Actually Counter the Global Threat of China:
