Cmte Financial Services (R)

McHenry Statement on Biden Executive Order Seizing Afghanistan’s Reserve Assets in the U.S.

Washington, Feb 11 -

Today, the top Republican on the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), issued the following statement on the Executive Order issued today by the Biden Administration regarding Afghanistan’s reserve assets held in the United States:

“This is the result of President Biden’s failed approach to foreign policy in Afghanistan,” said Republican Leader McHenry. “First, the Biden Administration abandoned our allies and turned over billions of dollars in military equipment to the Taliban. Now, the Administration wants to invoke emergency powers to fight this disaster of its own making. The need for this Executive Order reflects a lack of planning and engagement with Congress to come up with a strategy for these reserves.

“This is the same Administration that has signed into law $2 trillion in new spending but refuses to ask congressional Democrats for enough humanitarian aid to help Afghan civilians. President Biden must explain to Congress how this improvisational policy for Afghanistan’s reserves will benefit the Afghan people, while maintaining pressure on the Taliban to renounce terrorism and uphold the rights of women and girls.”
