Cmte Financial Services (R)

McHenry Blasts Treasury Net-Zero Financing Guidance

Biden Administration continues to appease radical climate activists, rather than pursue sound economic management

Washington, Sep 19 -

Today, the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Patrick McHenry (NC-10), issued the following statement in response to the Treasury Department issuing “Net-Zero Financing Guidance,” which would politicize capital allocation and advance progressive climate priorities at the expense of sound economic management.


“With Treasury’s most recent guidance, the Biden Administration is again prioritizing its progressive climate agenda over sound economic management,” said Chairman McHenry. “Regulators should be focused on immediate risks to our financial system—not climate policy beyond their expertise and statutory authority. With only a thin veil of setting ‘voluntary standards,’ these so-called principles will almost surely be enforced as though they are laws by unelected federal regulators and Treasury officials who continue to overreach. It’s clear Treasury’s intention is to direct credit to politically favored activities in order to appease far-left climate activists. The House Financial Services Committee will hold the Administration accountable for its continued efforts to force their political priorities through our financial system.”

