
Hearing entitled “Legislative Hearing on Immediate Steps to Protect Taxpayers from the Ongoing Bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac"
Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:00 AM in 2128 Rayburn HOB
Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises

Printed Hearing 112-22


Panel I

Panel II

Legislative Proposals:

‘‘Equity in Government Compensation Act of 2011’’ (Bachus)

H.R. 31, ‘‘Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Accountability and Transparency for Taxpayers Act of 2011’’ (Biggert)

‘‘GSE Credit Risk Equitable Treatment Act of 2011’’ (Garrett)

‘‘GSE Portfolio Risk Reduction Act of 2011’’ (Hensarling)

‘‘GSE Subsidy Elimination Act of 2011’’ (Neugebauer)

‘‘GSE Debt Issuance Approval Act of 2011’’ (Pearce)

‘‘GSE Mission Improvement Act of 2011’’ (Royce)

‘‘GSE Risk and Activities Limitation Act of 2011’’ (Schweikert)