October 2, 2009 Discussion Draft of the Over-the-Counter Derivatives Markets Act of 2009; September 25, 2009 Discussion Draft of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency Act of 2009 (to be reported as H.R. 3126); H.R. 3763, to amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to provide for an exclusion from Red Flag Guidelines for certain businesses; and H.R. 3639, Expedited CARD Reform for Consumers Act of 2009. (10/15/09; 10/20/09; 10/21/09, 10/22/09)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 10:00 AM in 2128 Rayburn House Office Building Full Committee
H.R. 3795, Over-the-Counter Derivatives Markets Act of 2009, ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a record vote of 43 Yeas and 26 Nays. (FC- 49) (All roll call votes posted are preliminary and unofficial)
Amendment by Mr. Frank, no. 1, was AGREED TO, as amended, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mrs. Biggert, no. 1a, was AGREED TO, as modified, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Frank, no. 2, was AGREED TO, by a record vote of 39 Yeas and 25 Nays. (FC- 43)
Amendment by Mr. Frank, Mr. Minnick, and Mr. Watt, no. 3, was AGREED TO, as amended, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Bachus, no. 3a, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mrs. Biggert, no. 4, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Amendment by Mr. Meeks, no. 5, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Lee, no. 6, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Lynch, no. 7, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Substitute amendment by Mr. Garrett, no. 7a, to Mr. Lynch, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 26 Yeas and 40 Nays. (FC- 44)
Amendment by Mrs. Biggert, no. 8, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Foster, no. 9, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mrs. Biggert, no. 10, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Meeks, no. 11, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Miller (CA), no. 12, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Amendment by Mr. Miller (CA), no. 13, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Foster, no. 14, was AGREED TO, as amended, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Frank, no. 14a, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Neugebauer, no. 15, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 25 Yeas and 42 Nays. (FC- 45)
Amendment by Mr. Garrett and Mr. Jenkins, no. 16, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 27 Yeas and 42 Nays. (FC- 46)
Amendment by Mr. Campbell, no. 17, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. McCarthy, no. 18, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mrs. Biggert, no. 19, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Bachus, no. 20, was AGREED TO, as modified, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Bachus, no. 21, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Amendment by Mrs. Biggert, no. 22, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Sherman, no. 23, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Amendment by Mr. Royce, no. 24, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Amendment by Mr. Bachus, no. 25, ruled out of order as non-germane.
Amendment by Mr. Manzullo, no. 26, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Bachus, no. 27, was AGREED TO, as modified, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Price, no. 28, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 27 yeas and 42 nays. (FC- 47)
Amendment in the nature of a substitute, by Mr. Garrett, no. 29, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 27 Yeas and 42 Nays. (FC- 48)
H.R. 3126, Consumer Financial Protection Agency Act of 2009, ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a record vote of39 Yeas and 29 Nays.(FC - 76)
Amendment by Mr. Donnelly, no. 1, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Posey, no. 2, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Frank, no. 3, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment, by Mrs. Biggert, no. 4, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 27 Yeas and 41 Nays. (FC - 50)
Amendment by Mr. Miller (NC) and Mr. Moore (KS), no. 5, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Enbloc amendments by Mr. Perlmutter, no. 5a, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN
Amendment by Mr. Hensarling and Mr. Garrett, no. 6, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 27 Yeas and 41 Nays. (FC - 51)
Amendment by Mr. Baca, no. 7, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Royce and Mr. Garrett, no. 8, was NOT AGREED TO, by record vote of 28 Yeas and 38 Nays. (FC - 52)
Amendment by Mr. Watt and Mr. Moore (KS), no. 9, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Second degree amendment to Watt-Moore (KS), by Mr. Perlmutter and Ms. Bean, no. 9a, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Second degree amendment to Watt-Moore (KS), by Mr. Hensarling, no. 9b, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 29 Yeas and 38 Nays. (FC - 53)
Amendment by Mr. Lee and Mr. Hensarling, no. 10, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 27 Yeas and 40 Nays. (FC - 54)
Amendment by Ms. Waters, no. 11, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Hensarling, no. 12, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 38 Nays. (FC - 55)
Amendment by Mr. Grayson, Mr. Clay, Mr. Miller (NC), and Ms. Speier, no. 13, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 2 Yeas, 29 Nays, and 37 Present. (FC - 75)
Amendment by Mr. Neugebauer, and Mr. Lee, no. 14, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Frank, no. 15, was AGREED TO, as modified, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Garrett, no. 16, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Previous Question Ordered by a record vote of 38 Yeas and 27 Nays. (FC - 56)
Amendment by Manzullo and Mr. Lance, no. 17, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 38 Nays. (FC - 57)
Amendment by Mr. Frank, no. 18, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Hensarling, no. 19, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 38 Nays. (FC - 58)
Amendment by Mr. Garrett, no. 20, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 38 Nays. (FC - 59)
Amendment by Ms. Waters, no. 21, was AGREED TO, as amended, by a record vote of 35 Yeas and 33 Nays. (FC - 61)
Second degree amendment to Waters, by Mrs. Bachmann, no. 21a, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Second degree to Waters, by Mrs. Bachmann, no. 21b, was AGREED TO, as modified, by a record vote of 51 Yeas and 14 Nays. (FC - 60)
Amendment by Mr. Marchant, no. 22, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 40 Nays. (FC - 62)
Amendment by Ms. Waters, no. 23, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 33 Yeas and 35 Nays. (FC - 63)
Amendment by Mr. Campbell, and Mr. Posey, no. 24, was AGREED TO, by a record vote of 47 Yeas and 21 Nays. (FC - 64)
Amendment by Ms. Moore (WI), and Mr. Paulsen, no. 25, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Miller (CA), no. 26, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Wilson, no. 27, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Miller (CA), Mr. Childers, Mr. Manzullo, and Mrs. Bachmann, no. 28, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mrs. Maloney and Mr. Driehaus, no. 29, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mrs. Biggert and Mr. Hinojosa, no. 30, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Amendment by Mr. Ellison, no. 31, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Amendment by Mr Price, no. 32, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 27 Yeas and 42 Nays. (FC - 65)
Amendment by Mrs. Maloney and Ms. Kilroy, no. 33, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. McHenry, no. 34, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 41 Nays. (FC - 66)
Amendment by Mr. Perlmutter and Mr. Grayson, no. 35, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Paulsen, no. 36, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Amendment by Mrs. Maloney, Mr. Himes, and Ms. Kilroy, no. 37, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Lee, no. 38, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 29 Yeas and 40 Nays. (FC - 67)
Amendment by Ms. Waters, no 39, was AGREED TO, by a record vote of 35 Yeas and 34 Nays. (FC - 68)
Amendment by Mr. Garrett, no. 40, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 40 Nays. (FC - 69)
Amendment by Mrs. Maloney, no. 41, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Price, no. 42, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 40 Nays. (FC - 70)
Amendment by Mr. Price, no. 43, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 27 Yeas and 41 Nays. (FC - 71)
Amendment by Ms. Kilroy, no. 44, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Amendment by Mr. Price, no. 45, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 40 Nays. (FC - 72)
Amendment by Mr. Garrett, no. 46, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 40 Nays. (FC - 73)
Amendment by Mr. Hensarling, no. 47, was NOT AGREED TO, by a record vote of 28 Yeas and 40 Nays. (FC - 74)
H.R. 3639, Expedited CARD Reform for Consumers Act of 2009,ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by voice vote.
Amemdment by Mr. Sherman and Ms. Capito, no. 1, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Sherman and Mr. Scott, no. 2, was AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mr. Lee and Mr. Castle, no. 3, was NOT AGREED TO, by voice vote.
Amendment by Mrs. McCarthy, no. 4, was OFFERED and WITHDRAWN.
Amendment by Mr. Hensarling, no. 5, point of order, non-germane.
Amendment by Mr. Maffei, no. 6, was NOT AGREED TO, by voice vote.