
Hybrid Hearing Entitled: The Annual Testimony of the Secretary of the Treasury on the State of the International Financial System
Wednesday, April 6, 2022 10:00 AM in 2128 RHOB & Cisco Webex
Full Committee

Click here for the LIVE WEBCAST of this hearing.


  • H.R. 6891, the “Isolate Russian Government Officials Act of 2022,” as amended. (Rep. Wagner)
  • H.R. 6979, the “Stop Onerous Surcharges Act” (Rep. C. Garcia)
  • H.R. 6894, the “No Energy Revenues for Russian Hostilities Act.” (Rep. Barr)
  • H.R. 6899, the “Russia and Belarus SDR Exchange Prohibition Act of 2022,” as amended. (Rep. Hill)
  • H.R. 6900, the “Russian Sovereign Debt Prohibition Act.” (Rep. Huizenga)
  • H.R. 7066, the “Russia and Belarus Financial Sanctions Act” (Rep. Sherman)
  • H.R. 7081, the “Ukraine Comprehensive Debt Repayment Relief Act of 2022,” as amended. (Rep. C. Garcia)
  • H.R. 7080, the “Nowhere to Hide Oligarchs’ Assets Act,” as amended. (Rep. Waters)
  • H.R. 7128, the “Special Measures to Fight Modern Threats Act.” (Rep. Himes)
  • H.R. ____, a bill that instructs the U.S. executive director at each of the multilateral development banks to vote against any project that provides a public subsidy to a private firm unless the subsidy is awarded using an open, competitive process or on an open-access basis, and for other purposes. (Rep. Waters)
  • H.R. ____, the “OFAC Exchange Act.” (Rep. Lynch)
  • H.R. ____, the “Financial Intermediary Transparency and Accountability Act.”
  • H.R. ____, the “Enhancing Equity and Transparency in IMF Lending Act.”
  • H.R. ____, the “No More American Capital For Russia and Belarus Act.”
  • H.R. ____, the “Delist Russia and Belarus from U.S. Exchanges Act.”
  • H.R. ____, a bill that requires public reporting requirements by the Department of Treasury for any project for which the U.S. votes in support of, or abstains from voting on, under Treasury’s “Fossil Fuel Energy Guidance for Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs),” issued on August 16, 2021.

Witness List

Hearing Video