
Markup of H.R. 2385, the CFPB Pay Fairness Act of 2013; H.R. 2446, the Responsible Consumer Financial Protection Regulations Act of 2013; H.R. 2571, the Consumer Right to Financial Privacy Act of 2013; H.R. 3183, a bill to provide consumers with a free annual disclosure of information the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection maintains on them; H.R. 3193, the Consumer Financial Protection Safety and Soundness Improvement Act of 2013; and H.R. 3519, the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Accountability and Transparency Act of 2013
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 10:00 AM in 2128 Rayburn HOB
Full Committee

Click here for the Committee Memorandum.

The Committee on Financial Services meet in open session to mark up the following measures:

H.R. 2446, the Responsible Consumer Financial Protection Regulations Act of 2013, was AGREED TO, as amended, by a recorded vote of 31 ayes and 21 nays (FC-40).

An amendment offered by Mr. Royce, no. 1, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.

An amendment offered by Mr. Posey, no. 2, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.

An amendment offered by Mr. Mulvaney, no. 3, was WITHDRAWN.

H.R. 2385, the CFPB Pay Fairness Act of 2013, was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 31 ayes and 23 nays (FC-41).

H.R. 3519, the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Accountability and Transparency Act of 2013, was AGREED TO, as amended, by a recorded vote of 32 ayes and 24 nays (FC-42).

An amendment offered by Mr. Neugebauer, no. 1, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.

H.R. 3193, the Consumer Financial Protection Safety and Soundness Improvement Act of 2013, was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 32 ayes and 25 nays (FC-43).

H.R. 3183, a bill to provide consumers with a free annual disclosure of information the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection maintains on them, was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 32 ayes and 25 nays (FC-44).

An amendment offered by Mr. Lynch, no. 1, was RULED NONGERMANE.

H.R. 2571, the Consumer Right to Financial Privacy Act of 2013, was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 32 ayes and 26 nays (FC-45).


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