
Hearing entitled “Legislative Proposals for a More Efficient Federal Financial Regulatory Regime”
Thursday, September 7, 2017 10:00 AM in 2128 Rayburn HOB
Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit

Printed Hearing 115-38

Click here for the Committee Memorandum.

Witness List


H.R. 1849 (Rep. Trott), the “Practice of Law Technical Clarification Act of 2017”

H.R. 2359 (Rep. Loudermilk), the “FCRA Liability Harmonization Act”

H.R. 3312 (Rep. Luetkemeyer), the “Systemic Risk Designation Improvement Act of 2017”

H.R. ____ (Rep. Royce), the “Facilitating Access to Credit Act”

H.R. ____ (Rep. Tenney), the “Community Institution Mortgage Relief Act of 2017”

H.R. ____ (Rep. Hill), the “TRID Improvement Act of 2017”


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