
Mark Up of H.R. 4458; H.R. 4634; H.R. 4841; H.R. 4863
Tuesday, October 29, 2019 1:00 PM in 2128 RHOB
Full Committee

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  • H.R. 4458, the “Cybersecurity and Financial System Resilience Act” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by voice vote. 

    • An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 1, offered by Mr. McHenry was AGREED TO by a voice vote. 
  • H.R. 4634, the “Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2019” -- Ordered reported to the House as amended with a favorable recommendation by a record vote of  57- ayes and 0 nays (FC-92).

    •  An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 2, offered by Ms. Waters was AGREED to by a voice vote.
      • An amendment offered by Mr. Stivers, no. 2a, was WITHDRAWN. 

  • H.R. 4841, the “Prudential Regulator Oversight Act” -- Ordered reported to the House as amended with a favorable recommendation by a record vote of 55 - ayes and 0 Nays (FC- 94).

    • An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 3, offered by Mr. Phillips.

      • An amendment offered by Mr. Luetkemeyer, no. 3a, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.

        • Second degree amendment to Luetkemeyer amendment offered by Mr. Phillips no. 3b, was AGREED TO by a voice vote. 

      • An amendment offered by Mr. Luetkemeyer, no. 3c, was NOT AGREED TO by recorded vote  24 ayes - 32 nays (FC-93). 

  • H.R. 4863,  the ‘‘United States Export Finance Agency Act of 2019’’ -- Ordered reported to the House as amended with a favorable recommendation by 30 ayes - and 27 nays (FC-91).

    • An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 4 offered by Ms. Waters

      • A substitute amendment to the amendment in the nature of a substitute no. 4a offered by Mr. McHenry,  was NOT AGREED TO by a voice vote.

        • An amendment offered by Mr. Heck, no. 4a1, was AGREED TO by a record vote of 33 ayes and 24 nays (FC-89).

        • An amendment offered by Mr. Riggleman, no. 4a2, was NOT AGREED TO by a record vote of 24 ayes and 33 nays (FC-90).

      • An amendment offered by Mr. Casten, no. 4b, was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of  32 ayes and 21 nays (FC-86).

      • An amendment offered by Mr. McHenry, no. 4c, was NOT AGREED TO by a record vote of  24 ayes and 31 nays (FC-81).

      • An amendment offered by Ms. Tlaib, no. 4d, was NOT AGREED TO by a record vote of 7 ayes and 48 nays (FC -88).

      • An amendment offered by Mr. Huizenga, no. 4e, was NOT AGREED TO by a record vote of 24 ayes and 32 nays (FC-82).

      • An amendment offered by Ms. Pressley, no. 4f, was NOT AGREED TO by a record vote of 7 ayes and 45 nays (FC-87).

      • An amendment offered by Mr. Tipton, no. 4g, was NOT AGREED TO by a record vote of  24 ayes and 31 nays (FC-83).

      • An amendment offered by Mr. Davidson, no. 4h,  was NOT AGREED TO by a record vote of 24 ayes and 31 nays (FC-85). 

      • An amendment offered by Mr. Gonzalez, no. 4i, was NOT AGREED TO by a record vote of 25 ayes and 29 nays (FC- 84).

      • An amendment offered by Mr. San Nicolas, no. 4j, was AGREED TO by a record vote of 55 ayes and 0 nays (FC-80).

      • An amendment offered by Mr. Barr, no. 4k, was WITHDRAWN.

  • A resolution electing minority members to the task forces of the Committee on Financial Services was AGREED TO by unanimous consent.

  • resolution electing minority members to the subcommittees of the Committee on Financial Services was AGREED TO by unanimous consent.