H.R. 2689, the “Minority Business Resiliency Act of 2021” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 28 ayes and 23 nays (FC-43).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 1, offered by Mr. Green was AGREED TO by voice vote.
H.R. 3948, the “Greater Supervision In Banking Act of 2021” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 28 ayes and 22 nays (FC-45).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 2, offered by Ms. Pressley was AGREED TO by voice vote.
H.R. 3958, the “Central Liquidity Facility Enhancement Act” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 28 ayes and 22 nays (FC-42).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 3, offered by Ms. Waters was AGREED TO by voice vote.
H.R. 3968, the “Municipal IDs Acceptance Act” -- Ordered reported to the House, as amended, with a favorable recommendation by a recorded vote of 27 ayes and 23 nays (FC-44).
An amendment in the nature of a substitute, no. 4, offered by Mr. Torres was AGREED TO by voice vote.