
Hearing Entitled: Persistent Poverty in America: Addressing Chronic Disinvestment in Colonias, the Southern Black Belt, and the U.S. Territories
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 10:00 AM in 2128 RHOB & Cisco Webex
Subcommittee on Housing, Community Development, and Insurance

Click here for the LIVE WEBCAST of this hearing.


  • H.R. ____, a discussion draft that would reauthorize HUD’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, streamline program use for housing production, and expand flexibility to support public services. The draft also advances capacity and technical assistance resources to better support small and rural communities. (Rep. Cleaver)
  • H.R. ____, a discussion draft to establish a federal task force to assess the housing and community development needs in areas of persistent poverty, including colonias, the Southern Black Belt, and the U.S. territories. The draft also requires that the task force report to Congress within 12 months with a set of policy recommendations to address the needs identified.
  • H.R. ____, a discussion draft to authorize $700 million in housing and community development investments through HUD’s CDBG Program for colonias, including those located outside of the 150-mile U.S.-Mexico border area.
  • H.R. ____, a discussion draft to authorize $500 million for affordable housing and community infrastructure upgrades in manufactured housing communities through HUD’s CDBG Program.
  • H.R. ____, a discussion draft to authorize $3 billion through HUD’s CDBG Program to establish a competitive grant program to create affordable, accessible housing and economic redevelopment in neighborhoods experiencing underinvestment and cycles of blight and abandonment.

Witness List

  • Yarimar Bonilla, Director, Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College
  • Kiyadh Burt, Vice President of Policy & Advocacy and Interim Director, HOPE Policy Institute
  • Lance George, Director of Research and Information, Housing Assistance Council

Hearing Video