Markup of H.R. 3556, H.R. 3564, H.R. 2622, H.R. 1553, H.R. 3063, H.R. 2627
Wednesday, May 24, 2023 10:00 AM in 2128 RHOB
Full Committee
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Click here to view the Committee Memorandum.
Legislation :
H.R. 3556 , the Increasing Financial Regulatory Accountability and Transparency Act , was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 26 ayes to 22 nays.
An amendment in the nature of a substitute , offered by Mr. Barr, was AGREED TO by a voice vote.
Lynch amendment, no 1 , to H.R. 3556 was NOT AGREED TO in an en bloc vote of 22 ayes to 26 nays.
Sherman amendment, no 2 , to H.R. 3556 was NOT AGREED TO by a voice vote.
Casten amendment, no 3 , to H.R. 3556 was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 21 ayes to 26 nays.
Sherman amendment, no 4 , to H.R. 3556 was NOT AGREED TO by a voice vote.
Green amendment, Mr. Green, no 5 , to H.R. 3556 was NOT AGREED TO in an en bloc vote of 22 ayes to 26 nays.
Pettersen amendment, no 6 , to H.R. 3556 was NOT AGREED TO in an en bloc vote of 22 ayes to 26 nays.
Waters amendment, no 7 , to H.R. 3556 was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 22 ayes to 26 nays.
Tlaib amendment, no 8 , to H.R. 3556, was NOT AGREED TO in an en bloc vote of 22 ayes to 26 nays.
Waters amendment, no 9 , to H.R. 3556, was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote 22 ayes to 26 nays.
Green amendment, no 10 , to H.R. 3556 was NOT AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 22 ayes to 26 nays.
H.R. 3564 , the Middle Class Borrower Protection Act of 2023 , was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 26 ayes to 22 nays.
H.R. 2622 , a bill to amend the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 to codify certain Securities and Exchange Commission no-action letters that exclude brokers and dealers compensated for certain research services from the definition of investment adviser, and for other purposes, was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 45 ayes to 2 nays.
H.R. 1553 , the Helping Angels Lead Our Startups (HALOS) Act , was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 35 ayes to 12 nays.
H.R. 3063 , the Retirement Fairness for Charities and Educational Institutions Act , was AGREED TO by a recorded vote of 35 ayes to 12 nays.
Hearing Video