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  • ICYMI: The Perfect Antidote to Dodd-Frank
    Jul 6, 2016 - By Alex J. Pollack To overhaul the Dodd-Frank Act, here is a radical and really good idea from House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling. The Financial CHOICE Act, Hensarling's bill, says to U.S. banks: "Don't like the endless additional regulation imposed on you by the bloated Dodd... More
  • ICYMI: Fixing What's Wrong With Dodd-Frank — And That's A Lot
    Jun 20, 2016 - Investor's Business Daily The Republicans will soon put forth a plan to do away with the worst parts of the economy-smothering Dodd-Frank reforms. It's a welcome step toward restoring sanity to our financial markets. The Dodd-Frank Act was floated to the public on a raft of promises. It would end t... More
  • ICYMI: Jeb Hensarling: How we can hold Wall Street accountable
    Jun 17, 2016 - By: Jeb Hensarling Nearly seven years after the Great Recession ended, the economy still isn’t working for millions of working Americans. Their paychecks remain stagnant; their savings have declined. They cannot get ahead and fear for the future of their families. One of the principle reasons for t... More
  • ICYMI: Hensarling's Dodd-Frank overhaul draws skepticism from some banks
    Jun 7, 2016 - By Zachary Warmbrodt House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling’s proposal to replace the Dodd-Frank law is drawing cheers from small lenders who stand to gain from the plan, but the broader banking industry is signaling skepticism. Hensarling (R-Texas) traveled to New York on Tuesd... More
  • ICYMI: Hensarling to Unveil Republican Pro-Growth Alternative to Dodd-Frank
    Jun 2, 2016 - OPINION: Rep. Jeb Hensarling: an economic disciple of Founding Fathers “Rep. Jeb Hensarling, Texas Republican and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, is an economic disciple of the Founding Fathers… At a time when traditional Republican Party principles are honored more in the breac... More
  • CFPB Director Faces Tough Questions at Financial Services Committee
    Mar 17, 2016 - WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, members of the House Financial Services Committee challenged the Director of the CFPB – a uniquely unaccountable government bureaucracy – over Bureau actions that are harming consumers and abusing and exceeding its already immense powers. House Republicans Clash With Cons... More
  • Media Roundup: Hensarling Remarks at American Bankers Association Summit
    Mar 15, 2016 - Rep. Hensarling Unveils Fresh Plan to Revamp Dodd-Frank Mr. Hensarling’s blueprint is significant, framing a Republican agenda in this election year, and attempting to steer the debate in the event Republicans win the White House and keep control of Congress in November. Hensarling's 'Bold Alternat... More
  • ICYMI: Hensarling on CNBC Squawk Box
    Feb 10, 2016 - "When is monetary policy going to be more predictable, more method based, and less improvisational...We need to understand what is the direction of monetary policy going forward." </center> More
  • ICYMI: “The economy still isn’t working for millions of working Americans.”
    Jan 12, 2016 - WASHINGTON - Ahead of President Obama's last State of the Union Address, Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, spoke with Fox Business and Bloomberg News about his thoughts on creating more opportunity in the American economy. Click here for video hig... More
  • ICYMI: More Evidence that Dodd-Frank Continues to Harm Main Street
    Jan 8, 2016 - Two separate reports published at the end of 2015 paint an ugly picture of the impact the Dodd-Frank Act is having on America’s community banks, credit unions, and the customers they serve. The first report from the Dallas Federal Reserve concluded that in the era of Dodd-Frank’s regulatory onslaugh... More