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  • A Look Back at 2015
    Dec 22, 2015 - Read on Medium We started this year with three goals: 1. To provide regulatory relief that promotes growth and opportunity for struggling Americans — especially those with low and moderate incomes;2. To perform rigorous oversight so that we were able to craft responsible and effective solutions; an... More
  • Hensarling on Combatting Terror Financing
    Dec 3, 2015 - On Thursday, House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) joined House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and other House chairmen to discuss the Committee’s work to combat terror financing. Chairman Hensarling’s remarks are below: “Well, clearly as a Congress we have no more import... More
  • U.S. News: Take Away the CFPB's Keys
    Dec 2, 2015 - WASHINGTON -- If all you knew about Mr. Brown was his surname, sex and zip code, do you think you could tell if he was black or white? The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau thinks it can – which is just one more reason it should be abolished. The regulatory frenzy that accompanied President Bara... More
  • Media Buzz: Effective Committee Oversight Reveals CFPB's Deceptive Efforts to Allege Racial Bias in Auto Lending
    Nov 30, 2015 - A staff report by the Financial Services Committee uses internal CFPB e-mails and documents to reveal the Bureau is knowingly using flawed and inferior methods to allege racial bias in auto lending. The result of the CFPB’s efforts could mean higher consumer prices when it comes to buying a car or t... More
  • ICYMI: Consumer Watchdog Pushed Discrimination Case on Vulnerable Firm
    Nov 24, 2015 - Consumer Watchdog Pushed Discrimination Case on Vulnerable Firm: Report Republicans say Consumer Financial Protection Bureau targeted Ally on likelihood of settlement to gain restructuring approval By YUKA HAYASHI Nov. 24, 2015 WASHINGTON—When federal regulators launched a controversial crackdown o... More
  • ICYMI: Reining In a Sprawling Federal Reserve
    Nov 20, 2015 - Since the 2008 financial crisis, the Federal Reserve has morphed into a government institution whose unconventional activities and vastly expanded powers would scarcely be recognized by drafters of the original legislation that created it. Regrettably, commensurate transparency and accountability h... More
  • Dodd-Frank Fifth Anniversary Round-Up
    Jul 27, 2015 - Dodd-Frank turns 5: What mess …what Dodd-Frank actually did was to deliver yet another massive government intervention to cover up the lies of past government interventions that directly led to last decade's economic meltdown. …What an absolute mess. And it's exactly what you get when, instead of p... More
  • ICYMI: “Raising Ex-Im From the Dead”
    Jul 24, 2015 - CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL EDITORIAL Perhaps you haven’t heard that the charter for the Export-Import Bank ended on June 30. That’s right, a New Deal-era program has expired, and almost no one noticed. Pity, then, that some Republicans are working to resurrect this unnecessary subsidy for business... More
  • Media Buzz: Committee Members Evaluate Dodd-Frank's Impact On Its Fifth Anniversary
    Jul 23, 2015 - This month marks the fifth anniversary of the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act. This law was hastily enacted as a reaction to the financial crisis and is filled with unintended consequences and misguided policies. While Dodd-Frank supposedly targeted Wall Street, it is Main Street that has felt the bru... More
  • ICYMI: Hensarling Discusses Ex-Im and Dodd-Frank on “Opinion Journal”
    Jun 9, 2015 - Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) discussed the Export-Import Bank and the Dodd-Frank Act with Mary Kissel of The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board. Excerpts from their conversation are below. Chairman Hensarling on the Export-Import Bank: "There’s a lot of things wron... More