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  • U.S. financial risk council could use more sunlight: GAO
    Sep 13, 2012 - (Reuters) - The new U.S. financial risk council should publicly share more details about its closed-door meetings on emerging risks to markets, a congressional watchdog report has found. The Government Accountability Office said the Financial Stability Oversight Council, a group made up of the top U... More
  • Dodd-Frank is aimed at Wall Street. So why is it hurting the construction industry?
    Aug 24, 2012 - More evidence of the unintended consequences of the Dodd-Frank Act: “With passage of the Dodd-Frank law, the banking and financial services industries face uncertainty that has locked credit markets and access to capital. Many companies have viable, low-risk projects or contracts that simply need fu... More
  • Wall Street regulation is felt on Main Street
    Aug 22, 2012 - The following editorial appeared in the Aug. 22, 2012 edition of the Charleston Daily Mail: Wall Street regulation is felt on Main Street In the aftermath of the 2008 financial meltdown, Democrats were in control of both houses of Congress. They passed another law to rein in the banking industry, al... More
  • The Dodd-Frank Threat to U.S. Energy
    Aug 21, 2012 - The following column appeared in the Wall Street Journal on August 17, 2012: The Dodd-Frank Threat to U.S. Energy Intrusive new disclosure rules by the SEC would give state-owned oil firms a big advantage in world markets. By Jack Gerard In a fragile recovery with 8.3% unemployment, you'd think Cong... More
  • The Hill: House Financial Services field hearing looks at effects of Dodd-Frank regulations
    Aug 20, 2012 - Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) chaired a House Financial Services subcommittee hearing Monday on how new regulations are affecting financial institutions, particularly those in her home state. The Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit panel held the field hearing in Charleston, W.Va., cour... More
  • 2,400 Miles From Wall Street…
    Aug 14, 2012 - The Idaho Statesman: Idaho Businesses Say They're Jittery Over Economic Climate August 13, 2012 By Bill Roberts Uncertainty over taxes, national debt, growing government regulation and health care reform is hurting business expansion and job creation in Idaho, some Southwest Idaho business owners an... More
  • Chairman Bachus in Wall Street Journal: Financial Advisers, Police Yourselves
    Aug 6, 2012 - By SPENCER BACHUS Bernie Madoff. Matthew Hutcheson. Mark Spangler. If these names don't ring a bell, you are lucky. Reports indicate that thousands of investors lost billions in savings—in some cases an entire lifetime's worth—investing with these financial planners, investment advisers or "retireme... More
  • Rep. Bachus: Protecting Taxpayers by Ending Bailouts
    May 31, 2012 - By Chairman Spencer Bachus CNBC Supporters of the Dodd-Frank Act boldly promised that by increasing government control over the economy to an unprecedented degree, they would end "too big to fail" and thus save taxpayers from future AIG-style bailouts. But as we approach the second anniversary of Do... More
  • When risk is outlawed
    May 18, 2012 - Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) Washington Times The news of J.P. Morgan Chase's recent trading loss has raised the cry of "I told you so" from proponents of the almost 2-year-old Dodd-Frank Act. They say the law's Volcker rule would have prevented such a loss and that without more regulation, financial ... More
  • The Freedom Of The U.S. Capital Markets Is Under Attack
    May 15, 2012 - By REP. SCOTT GARRETT Investor's Business Daily Posted 05/14/2012 06:14 PM ET Are you fed up with our lackluster recovery and stubbornly high unemployment? Do you wonder why, three years after we officially pulled out of the Great Recession, we still haven't hit our economic stride? Look no further... More