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  • ICYMI: Will the House’s “Must Haves” Make It Into Financial Reform?
    Mar 27, 2018 - By Norbert Michel, Contributor March 26, 2018 The Independent Community Bankers of America is very close to securing a victory for its members. Just one thing is keeping the Senate-passed Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (S.2155) from sailing to the White House for Pr... More
  • ICYMI: The Art of a Banking Compromise
    Mar 19, 2018 - The Art of a Banking Compromise On fixing Dodd-Frank, the House shouldn't be a potted plant. By The Editorial Board March 16, 2018 After passing a bipartisan banking bill 67-31 that would remedy some of the Dodd-Frank Act’s flaws, many Senators want to call it a wrap. But Congress is a bicameral le... More
  • ICYMI: The CFPB Has Pushed Its Last Envelope
    Jan 24, 2018 - By Mick Mulvaney January 23, 2018 When I arrived at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau in November, I told employees that despite what they might have heard, I had no intention of shutting down the bureau. As members of the executive branch, we are charged with faithfully executing the law. Th... More
  • ICYMI: Quashing bureau's payday rule is a win for low-income Americans
    Jan 23, 2018 - By Gregory T. Angelo January 22, 2018 Under new leadership, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently announced plans to reconsider the payday rule, which opens the door to repealing the burdensome regulation outright. A full repeal would be a massive win for American consumers. As i... More
  • ICYMI: The Swampland Republicans
    Jan 17, 2018 - The Swampland Republicans GOP Senators balk at even modest fixes in federal flood insurance. By the Editorial Board January 17, 2018 Texas, Florida and especially Puerto Rico are rebuilding after last year’s hurricanes, and for once Washington’s response includes more than a cash infusion. The Hous... More
  • ICYMI: Don't Be Fooled by 'Secular Stagnation'
    Dec 4, 2017 - By Phil Gramm and Michael Solon December 1, 2017 The only sound basis for gauging the potential impact of public-policy changes is through the mirror of historical experience. Economic models may provide insight, but invariably their predictions tell us more about the model than about the future. On... More
  • ICYMI: CFPB’s Failure to Protect Consumers
    Nov 30, 2017 - The Fox Business Channel this morning reported on two Financial Services Committee staff reports issued earlier this year that reveal the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was asleep at the wheel when it came to protecting consumers from the Wells Fargo fraudulent accounts scandal. The reports, ... More
  • ICYMI: ‘The problem is not so much who is running the CFPB. The problem is the CFPB.’
    Nov 29, 2017 - House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) was interviewed on Tuesday and Wednesday about the change in leadership at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Click on the images below to watch. “This is a last, desperate gasp of the previous director who came in under... More
  • WSJ: President Cordray Strikes Again
    Oct 10, 2017 - By The Editorial Board Wall Street Journal President Trump hasn’t fired Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) director Richard Cordray despite ample cause. Yet the economic costs continue to compound—now with the bureau’s payday-loan rule that seeks to put the industry out of business. The CF... More
  • Harvey Is Our Wake-Up Call
    Sep 5, 2017 - By Jeb Hensarling September 5, 2017 The destruction caused by Hurricane Harvey is unlike anything my home state has ever experienced. As long as I live, I'll never forget those images of elderly women waiting in waist-deep water to be rescued. I'll never forget the images of children clinging to the... More