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  • Egregious Ex-Im Bank Deal of the Day
    Aug 8, 2014 - e•gre•gious -- outstandingly bad; shocking. “While You’re Away on Vacation…” Before President Obama leaves tomorrow for his Martha’s Vineyard vacation, we have a suggested day-trip he could make when he gets bored after his umpteenth round of golf and the inevitable campaign fundraiser: he could vis... More
  • FSC Majority | Week in Review
    Aug 1, 2014 - Committee Passes Federal Reserve Accountability and Bipartisan Regulatory Relief Bills On Wednesday the Full Committee passed 6 bills to provide transparency and accountability at the Federal Reserve, regulatory relief for the economy, and re-authorize the Native American Housing Assistance and Self... More
  • Egregious Ex-Im Bank Deal of the Day
    Aug 1, 2014 - e·gre·gious -- outstandingly bad; shocking. “A Wealth of Political Connections” Connects Troubled Foreign Company to U.S. Taxpayers What do U.S. taxpayers, former Vice President Al Gore and former Gov. Bill Richardson have in common? Not long ago, Ex-Im’s taxpayer-backed loans for Abengoa were featu... More
  • Egregious Ex-Im Bank Deal of the Day
    Jul 30, 2014 - e·gre·gious -- outstandingly bad; shocking. Did an Ex-Im Project Lead to 27 Deaths? The Export-Import Bank’s approval of $3 billion in financing for a liquefied natural gas project in Papua New Guinea reportedly led to the deaths of 27 villagers who were killed on January 24, 2012 in a massive land... More
  • Egregious Ex-Im Bank Deal of the Day
    Jul 28, 2014 - e·gre·gious -- outstandingly bad; shocking. The Ex-Im Bank: A “Petri Dish” of Corruption? With a House committee preparing to examine allegations of corruption at the Export-Import Bank, it’s an appropriate time to remember a couple of other instances involving corruption from Ex-Im’s history. Form... More
  • FSC Majority | Week in Review
    Jul 25, 2014 - Committee Reviews the Dodd-Frank Act on its 4-year Anniversary On Wednesday, the full committee held a hearing to assess the impact of the Dodd-Frank Act on America’s Main Street economy and hard-working American taxpayers on its 4th anniversary of being signed into law. "It wasn’t deregulation; it... More
  • The Export-Import Bank – Helping Those Who Can Help Themselves, Part Two
    Jul 24, 2014 - The Export-Import Bank just can’t help themselves. The United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country described as having “a high standard of living because of oil wealth,” sovereign wealth over $1 trillion in assets and a per-capita GDP of over $58,000, decided it needed some new aircraft and turbines. Who... More
  • Egregious Ex-Im Bank Deal of the Day
    Jul 23, 2014 - e·gre·gious -- outstandingly bad; shocking. The Export-Import Bank – Helping Those Who Can Help Themselves Mexican Company Admits It Doesn’t Need Ex-Im’s Help, But Since It’s Offering… Mexico-based satellite operator known as Satmex announced it doesn’t need a loan from the Export-Import Bank to fi... More
  • Egregious Ex-Im Bank Deal of the Day
    Jul 22, 2014 - e·gre·gious -- outstandingly bad; shocking. The Ex-Im Bank’s Support for Australia’s “Corporate Welfare Queen” Australia’s richest citizen Gina Rinehart in Singapore at the signing of agreements for the Roy Hill mine. Why is Australia’s richest citizen – worth at least $18 billion – receiving loans... More
  • 5 Facts About the Export-Import Bank for Obama to Take With Him to Seattle
    Jul 22, 2014 - At his event in Seattle tonight, it won’t be surprising if President Obama praises the Export-Import Bank as a “jobs creator” that “doesn’t cost taxpayers anything.” It’s a far cry from how he used to describe the Export-Import Bank – as “little more than a fund for corporate welfare.” The President... More