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  • Sunday Video Message | Rep. Robert Pittenger
    Nov 24, 2013 - Congressman Robert Pittenger (Twitter | Facebook) delivers this week's Sunday Video Message on the dangerously unaccountable Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). The committee approved six bills to reform the CFPB last week. More
  • Financial Times: Winding down Fannie and Freddie
    Nov 21, 2013 - Editorial | November 20, 2013 It has been five years since Lehman Brothers collapsed and longer since the US subprime bubble burst. Yet plans to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – the government-sponsored behemoths that underwrite the US housing market – are little nearer to completion. Both Repub... More
  • Weekly Rundown
    Nov 18, 2013 - The House is in session Monday through Thursday this week. Be sure to check back here on the Bottom Line Blog -- and sign up for our email updates -- for committee specific information as the week progresses. Here's what's happening: On Tuesday morning at 10 a.m., the Oversight & Investigations Sub... More
  • Sunday Video Message | Rep. Marlin Stutzman
    Nov 17, 2013 - Congressman Marlin Stutzman (Twitter | Facebook) delivers this week's Sunday Video Message on the committee's review of the Federal Reserve's "dual mandate." More
  • National Journal Focuses Attention on PATH Act & Housing Finance Debate
    Nov 13, 2013 - Matthew Cooper | November 7, 2013 It’s been five years since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac went under during the financial crisis. Since then, the mortgage giants have been in conservatorship. Congress is still pondering what to do. Everyone’s pretty much agreed that the two should go. (For the record... More
  • Weekly Rundown
    Nov 12, 2013 - The House is in session Tuesday through Friday this week. Be sure to check back here on the Bottom Line Blog -- and sign up for our email updates -- for committee specific information throughout the week. Here's what's happening: On Wednesday the committee will hold our two subcommittee hearings of... More
  • Weekend Must Reads
    Nov 10, 2013 - Wall Street Journal | Affordable Housing Is What You Can Afford American Action Forum President Douglas Holtz-Eakin on a Senate housing “reform” bill that includes provisions for politically motivated lending. Baltimore Sun | Consumer protection bureau fails to protect A report by a Bipartisan Poli... More
  • Sunday Video Message | Rep. Mick Mulvaney
    Nov 3, 2013 - Congressman Mick Mulvaney (Twitter | Facebook) delivers this week's Sunday Video Message on the $1.7 billion taxpayer-funded bailout of the Federal Housing Administration. More
  • This Halloween, Watch Out For Those Who Are Trying to Trick You About the PATH Act!
    Oct 31, 2013 - The Protecting American Taxpayers and Homeowners Act – the PATH Act – expressly preserves the 30-year fixed rate mortgage. In fact, it's the only housing reform bill that specifically does so. But those who defend the status quo are trying to trick you into believing otherwise. Don't believe those s... More
  • The FHA is Broke, but Apparently No One is Accountable
    Oct 29, 2013 - Today, the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing on the Federal Housing Administration’s (FHA) first-ever taxpayer-funded bailout — approximately $1.7 billion. Despite long-standing concerns about its solvency, the FHA has not taken the necessary steps to mitigate its losses. FHA curren... More