
  • The Future of Automobile Insurance in the Era of Autonomous Vehicles
    May 23, 2018 - The Housing and Insurance Subcommittee met today to examine the development of the autonomous vehicle and its effect on the future of automobile insurance. For the first time, emerging automobile technology is intersecting with the financial industry, changing the business of property and casualty i... More
  • Fueling Capital and Growth on Main Street
    May 23, 2018 - The Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Securities, and Investments held a hearing today to review eleven legislative proposals to help fuel capital and growth on Main Street. The legislative proposals considered were: H.R. 5054, the “Small Company Disclosure Simplification Act of 2018,” introduced by ... More
  • Chairman Hensarling Statement on Confirmation of Montgomery as FHA Commissioner
    May 23, 2018 - House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling released the following statement regarding Senate confirmation of Brian Montgomery for the dual role of Commissioner of the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Assistant Secretary for Housing at the Department of Housing and Urban Devel... More
  • Committee Advances Three Bills
    May 22, 2018 - This week, the Financial Services Committee approved three bills, bringing the total number of bills reported out of the Committee this Congress to 102. “These three important measures support the Committee’s continued efforts to increase housing mobility for low-income families, create opportunity ... More
  • House Passes Most Significant Pro-Growth Financial Regulatory Reform in Generation
    May 22, 2018 - Today, the House of Representatives voted 258-159 to pass the “Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act,” which represents the most significant pro-growth financial regulatory reform package since the passage of Gramm-Leach-Bliley nearly a generation ago. “For far too long, far... More
  • Groups Praise House Efforts in Regulatory Reform Package
    May 21, 2018 - In the years following the recent financial crisis, our community financial institutions have cited costly, burdensome, and one-size-fits-all Washington regulations as major roadblocks to their ability to grow and serve their customers. Over the past several months, the House of Representatives has ... More
  • Hensarling Attends White House Signing Ceremony Overturning Harmful BCFP Action
    May 21, 2018 - House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) issued the following statement upon attending a signing ceremony at the White House for S.J. Res. 57, which uses Congressional Review Authority (CRA) to repeal the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection’s (Bureau) controversial 2013 ... More
  • Hensarling Applauds Bureau’s Plan to Examine ECOA
    May 21, 2018 - House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) issued the following statement praising the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection’s (Bureau) announcement that it will reexamine whether disparate impact liability is within the jurisdiction of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA... More
  • Hensarling: Committee Must Examine Allegations of Latest Fannie Mae Backdoor Schemes
    May 18, 2018 - House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling released the following statement following media reports that high ranking Fannie Mae employees have been intentionally violating their government prohibition on lobbying through a series of secret meetings to remove the failed mortgage gian... More
  • An Overview of Homelessness in America
    May 17, 2018 - The Housing and Insurance Subcommittee met today to examine the current state of homelessness in America, and to discuss issues regarding veteran, youth, and any other populations affected by homelessness. The majority of programs to reduce homelessness and provide assistance in housing services fal... More