News List

  • Subcommittee Conducts Important SEC Oversight
    Apr 21, 2016 - WASHINGTON – The Financial Services Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises Subcommittee held a hearing today with top officials of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to conduct oversight of their offices and divisions. “During much of the time when Congress has been accused ... More
  • ISIS Looting and Destroying Cultural Artifacts on ‘Unprecedented Scale’
    Apr 19, 2016 - WASHINGTON – The Financial Services Task Force to Investigate Terror Financing held a hearing today to examine the best ways to counter the plunder and sale of priceless cultural antiquities by Islamic State terrorists. Such looting is occurring on an “unprecedented scale” and is generating signific... More
    Apr 15, 2016 - Holding Bureaucrats Accountable and Helping Main Street Grow Two committee priorities – holding Washington accountable and growing Main Street’s economy – were on the House floor this week in the form of Rep. Tom Emmer’s (R-MN) “Financial Stability Oversight Council Reform Act” and Rep. Mia Love’s (... More
  • Media Advisory: Committee Hearing Schedule for the Week of April 18
    Apr 15, 2016 - WASHINGTON- Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) today announced the committee’s schedule for the week of April 18: Tuesday, April 19 at 10:00 A.M. – The Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing will hold a hearing entitled “Preventing Cultural Genocide: Countering the Pl... More
  • House Approves Bills to Hold Bureaucrats Accountable and Help Main Street
    Apr 14, 2016 - WASHINGTON -- The House of Representatives passed two Financial Services Committee bills today to bring needed accountability to Washington bureaucracies and to help small banks serve their customers and communities. H.R. 3340, Financial Stability Oversight Council Reform Act Sponsor: Rep. Tom Emme... More
  • Hensarling Statement on FHFA Principal Reduction
    Apr 14, 2016 - WASHINGTON- Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) gave the following statement following the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s principal reduction announcement: As Yogi Berra once famously said, “It's déjà vu all over again.” Memories are clearly short among Washington’s ruling... More
  • The JOBS Act at 4
    Apr 14, 2016 - WASHINGTON – The Subcommittee on Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises held a hearing today examining the impact of the bipartisan Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act in the four years since it became law. “It’s not very often that Congress can look back at a major piece of leg... More
  • Hensarling Supports Regulatory Relief for Main Street
    Apr 14, 2016 - WASHINGTON- Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) delivered the following remarks on the House floor today in support of H.R. 3791, legislation to help small community banks raise capital and serve their customers: Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong support of H.R. 3791, whic... More
  • Hensarling: Bureaucrats’ Spending Should Be on Budget
    Apr 14, 2016 - WASHINGTON- Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) delivered the following floor statement in support of H.R. 3340, the Financial Stability Oversight Council Reform Act: Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of H.R. 3340, the Financial Stability Oversight Council Reform Act. I’... More
  • Committee Votes to End Dodd-Frank Bailout Fund, Place CFPB Spending on Budget
    Apr 13, 2016 - The House Financial Services Committee approved bills today that repeal the Dodd-Frank Act’s bailout fund for large, complex financial institutions and make the CFPB more accountable to taxpayers by putting its spending on budget. “When it comes to the resolution of these large, complex financial in... More