News List

  • The Dodd-Frank Act: Ill Conceived, Destined to Fail
    Sep 23, 2011 - Today’s American Banker includes a dead-on piece about how the Dodd-Frank Act, with its 2,300 pages and more than 400 regulations, is “regulatory overkill” with unintended consequences that hurt consumers and the economy. “It's a fool's mission for our government to try to micro-manage our financial... More
  • Joint Hearing to Delve Into SEC’s Handling Of Conflicts Of Interest
    Sep 20, 2011 - Two congressional subcommittees will hold a joint hearing on Thursday to examine how the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) handled potential conflicts of interest involving David Becker, a former SEC general counsel who financially benefited from the Madoff Ponzi scheme. The joint hearing wil... More
  • Subcommittee Meets in NYC to Evaluate U.S. Efforts Against Terrorist Financing
    Aug 31, 2011 - The Financial Services Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee will meet in New York City on September 6 to evaluate the federal government’s efforts to track down and stop the financing of terrorists. As part of the government’s response to the September 11, 2001 terror attacks, Congress created ... More
  • Financial Services Committee Faces Busy Agenda in September
    Aug 26, 2011 - WASHINGTON - The Financial Services Committee is facing a busy first half of September with 11 hearings over the course of seven days on topics ranging from terrorist financing to reform of the Securities and Exchange Commission. On Friday, Chairman Spencer Bachus announced the committee’s tentative... More
  • Oversight Subcommittee Hearing Focuses on Credit Rating Agencies
    Jul 26, 2011 - As the nation’s major credit rating companies threaten to downgrade the credit rating of the United States over the swelling size of the national debt, the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee will meet on Wednesday to examine the credit rating industry and the impact of Dodd-Frank Act changes ... More
  • Joint Hearing To Examine Mortgage Servicing Negotiations
    Jul 6, 2011 - Two Financial Services subcommittees will hold a joint hearing on Thursday, July 7 to review the role of Federal regulators in the ongoing mortgage servicing settlement negotiations and the development of new mortgage servicing standards. Witnesses will include regulators from the Office of the Comp... More
  • Bachus: Weak Job Report Underscores Importance Of Committee’s Work
    Jun 3, 2011 - Continuing the Committee’s focus on promoting job creation, improving the economy and reforming the nation’s housing system, Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus announced the planned Committee schedule for the remainder of June. From the start of the 112th Congress, under Chairman B... More
  • Committee leaders demand answers about HOME program
    May 18, 2011 - Three leaders of the Financial Services Committee are asking HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan for detailed information about delayed housing projects and the agency’s oversight of its HOME program, which provides $2 billion a year to local housing agencies to build and renovate homes across the country. ... More
  • Financial Services Committee Website Allows Woman in Texas to Pose Question During Congressional Hearing
    May 16, 2011 - Cassie Wilkinson of Austin, Texas was able to pose a question to a witness during a congressional hearing, even though she’s not a member of Congress. She asked her question during a House Financial Services subcommittee hearing on Friday thanks to a new feature on the committee’s website called You... More
  • Committee Maintains Focus on Economy and Jobs
    May 13, 2011 - Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus announced the Committee’s planned schedule for the weeks of May 23 and May 30. The schedule shows the Committee will continue focusing on policies that encourage economic growth and job creation. “Promoting policies that will strengthen our econom... More