News List

  • JOBS Act Delivers Needed Red Tape Relief to Small Banks
    Apr 30, 2012 - The bipartisan JOBS Act arrives just in time to help small, community banks as they are “struggling to stay profitable in a period of low interest rates, stagnant lending and rising compliance costs from other new regulations,” the Wall Street Journal reports. The JOBS (Jumpstart Our Business Startu... More
  • Financial Services Committee Releases May Hearing Schedule
    Apr 27, 2012 - The Financial Services Committee released its hearing schedule for the month of May on Friday. The Committee’s schedule remains tentative and will depend upon witness availability and other factors that may require changes. Therefore, each meeting will become final only when the official notice is d... More
  • ICYMI: Fox News: President Obama and Democrats must reconsider Dodd-Frank
    Apr 26, 2012 - By Joe Brettell Published April 26, 2012 President Obama and Congressional Democrats have shifted into full campaign mode, using every taxpayer funded campaign stop to raise money and continue their efforts to incite class warfare around the country. While these intentionally divisive m... More
  • Chairman Bachus and Rep. McCarthy Propose Bipartisan Bill for More Effective Oversight of Investment Advisers
    Apr 25, 2012 - Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus and Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a member of the Committee, introduced bipartisan legislation today to create more efficient and effective oversight of the retail investment advisory industry. Chairman Bachus and Rep. McCarthy introduced their proposal ... More
  • Subcommittee To Conduct Oversight of SEC’s Rulemaking And Priorities
    Apr 24, 2012 - The Capital Markets and Government Sponsored Enterprises Subcommittee will review the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) activities, initiatives and Fiscal Year 2013 budget request during an oversight hearing this Wednesday. SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro will be the only witness at the hearing,... More
  • Fox News: New federal agency OFR stirs 'Orwellian' fears
    Apr 20, 2012 - By James Rosen Published April 19, 2012 It is the most powerful federal agency you’ve never heard of -- and lawmakers from both parties on Thursday vowed to keep abreast of its astonishing growth and rein it in, if necessary. The Office of Financial Research, or OFR, was created by the ... More
  • Washington Times Editorial: MILLER: Cooking the books
    Apr 19, 2012 - America’s $15.7 trillion national debt continues to grow at an alarming rate. Though most economists agree we’re on an unsustainable path, the president and his allies in the Democratic Senate have done nothing about it. They hope to return to their old ways of borrowing trillions without making dol... More
  • Financial Services Committee Votes to Cut Deficit by $35 Billion
    Apr 18, 2012 - The Financial Services Committee today approved legislation that cuts the deficit by more than $35 billion. The Committee was instructed by the House last month to approve budget savings of $29.8 billion over the next 10 years in programs and agencies under its jurisdiction. The Committee went above... More
  • Financial Services Committee Unveils “Dodd-Frank Burden Tracker”
    Apr 17, 2012 - The Financial Services Committee on Tuesday unveiled the Dodd-Frank Burden Tracker, an online resource to help the public keep track of all the new government rules and red tape required by the Dodd-Frank Act. Dodd-Frank, passed by Congress in 2010, mandates that government regulators write over 400... More
  • Financial Services Committee to Vote on Legislation to Cut Deficit By $35 Billion
    Apr 13, 2012 - The Financial Services Committee will vote on legislation Wednesday that reduces the deficit by $35 billion to help avert what the Obama administration calls “catastrophic” automatic spending cuts to national security. “Our deficits and debt are a threat to both our economic security and our nationa... More