Press Releases

Bachus Announces Tentative Committee Schedule

WASHINGTON, January 25, 2011 -

:   Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus today announced the tentative hearing schedule for the next two months.
Chairman Bachus said, “The Committee will be busy this year addressing the issues of concern to Americans: jobs, economic activity, Fannie and Freddie reform, and implementation of Dodd-Frank. We will work to ensure that taxpayers are protected. This hearing schedule is tentative but is intended to inform Americans on the issues the Committee will be tackling.”
The intent of this notice is that members of the committee, staff, the public and interested stakeholders will be able to plan ahead. This is of course, a tentative schedule and will depend on witness availability and other factors that may require changes.Therefore, each meeting will become final only when the official notice is distributed.
Wednesday, February 9 (10 am)     Monetary policy and jobs (DMP)
Wednesday, February 9 (2 pm)       GSE reform (CM)
Thursday, February 10 (10 am)      Markup of Committee Oversight Plan (FC)
Tuesday, February 15 (10 am)         Implementation of derivatives provisions of Dodd-Frank Act (FC)
Tuesday, February 15 (2 pm)          GSE legal fees (O&I)
Wednesday, February 16 (10 am)   Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission report (FC)
Wednesday, February 16 (2 pm)     Housing finance (IH)
Thursday, February 17 (10 am)      Federal Reserve proposal on interchange (FI)
Tuesday, March 1 (10 am)               GSE reform (FC)
Wednesday, March 2 (10 am)          HUD FY 2012 budget (FC)  
Thursday, March 3 (10 am)             Federal Reserve semi-annual report on monetary policy (FC)
FC = Full Committee
DMP = Domestic Monetary Policy
CM = Capital Markets
O&I = Oversight and Investigations
IH = Insurance and Housing
FI = Financial Institutions
IMP = International Monetary Policy

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