Press Releases

Financial Services Committee to Receive Monetary Policy Report From Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke

Washington, February 7, 2012 - Chairman Spencer Bachus announced that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will appear before the House Financial Services Committee to deliver the semi-annual monetary policy report to Congress on Wednesday, February 29 at 10 a.m.

The Federal Reserve reports to the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate Banking Committee twice a year on the conduct of monetary policy and the state of the U.S. economy.  This will be Chairman Bernanke’s first appearance before either committee this year.

“This hearing is one of the Committee’s most important oversight responsibilities.  While there have been a few encouraging signs of recovery lately, the truth is job growth should be much stronger so long after the official end of a recession.  Chairman Bernanke has warned Congress that if we want a lasting, robust recovery for our nation we must first get our fiscal house in order.  That means we must tame Washington’s appetite for spending and tackle the difficult, but necessary, long-term restructuring of entitlements,” said Chairman Bachus.  “I expect Chairman Bernanke will deliver a similar message to our Committee.”

NOTE:  For this hearing, media seats will be reserved based only on requests received from news organizations credentialed by the House media galleries. Each credentialed news organization is limited to one seat. To request a seat click here.

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